魅族全新旗舰机PRO 6Plus在北京发布,突出的配置和性能惊艳全场!关注过发布会的小伙伴们都发现了,现场爆出音频部分采用的一款定制芯片——ADI高速运放AD45275,该产品结合了低功耗、低噪声、高速度和直流精度性能,采用ADI公司第三代超快速互补双极性(XFCB)工艺制造,使得PRO 6 Plus在低功耗下也能有出色的音质表现。
不过木有关系,你们都知道,版主向来一心为大家着想,这不,在与ADI以及魅族专家的持续沟通下,打听到了点滴“秘密”,第一时间分享给你们哦~ 1. There are many key components in Hi-Fi signal chain (signal path). Audio switch is one big bottleneck because ofits poor performance, and 4807 offers a great opportunity to eliminate theswitch. 2. Extreme low current consumption means user can enjoy Hi Res audio forlonger time 3. Relative high current means we can drive all sorts of premium headphonewithout creating audio distortion 4. Large slew rate means audio can be better converted to original sound,low PSRR means audio signal won’t get distorted by power components. 5. Low noise means audio is clean and pure…. You can hear all the finedetails in the music