Public Function Com_Recived() As Boolean
strBuff = MainForm.MSComm1.Input
ReciveDataSize = UBound(strBuff)
If (ReciveDataSize > 39) Then ReciveDataSize = 39
For i = 0 To ReciveDataSize
Com_Recive_Data(i) = strBuff(i)
If ReciveDataSize = (COMDATASIZE - 1) Then
If Com_Recive_Data(0) = COMPACK_H1 And Com_Recive_Data(1) = COMPACK_H2 Then
MainForm.MSComm1.RThreshold = COMDATASIZE
Com_Recived = True
TestDelay = 0
MainForm.Shape2.FillColor = RGB(0, 255, 0)
Com_Port = Com_Port_Test
MainForm.Shape2.FillColor = RGB(255, 255, 0) '黄
MainForm.MSComm1.RThreshold = 3
Com_Recived = False
End If
ret = Com_DebugList(ReciveDataSize, 0)
If Com_Recive_Data(0) = COMPACK_H1 And Com_Recive_Data(1) = COMPACK_H2 Then
MainForm.DebugLable.Caption = ""
Com_Recived = False
MainForm.MSComm1.RThreshold = COMDATASIZE
Com_Port = Com_Port_Test
MainForm.MSComm1.PortOpen = False
MainForm.MSComm1.PortOpen = True
MainForm.Shape2.FillColor = RGB(255, 255, 0) '黄
MainForm.MSComm1.RThreshold = 3
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function ComPort_Init() As Boolean
If MainForm.MSComm1.PortOpen = True Then '端口已经打开
TestDelay = TestDelay + 1
MainForm.DebugLable.Caption = MainForm.DebugLable.Caption & Str(TestDelay)
If TestDelay > 9 Then
TestDelay = 0
MainForm.MSComm1.PortOpen = False
End If
Else '端口未打开,从1~16中找一个可以打开的
If Com_Port_Test > 16 Then Com_Port_Test = 1
On Error Resume Next '当运行发生错误时,控件转到紧接着发生错误的语句之后的语句,并在此继续运行
MainForm.MSComm1.CommPort = Com_Port_Test
MainForm.MSComm1.PortOpen = True
Select Case Err.Number
Case 0 '错误号为0(也就是没出错),
MainForm.DebugLable.Caption = "等待端口" & Str(Com_Port_Test) & "数据"
Case 8002 '端口不存在
MainForm.DebugLable.Caption = "端口" & Str(Com_Port_Test) & "不存在"
MainForm.MSComm1.PortOpen = False
Case 8005 '错误号为8005,也就是端口被占用
MainForm.DebugLable.Caption = "端口" & Str(Com_Port_Test) & "已经占用"
MainForm.MSComm1.PortOpen = False
End Select
Com_Port_Test = Com_Port_Test + 1
Err = 0 '将错误号置0. 注:Err.Number可以简写为Err ,2者等效
End If
End Function
[ 本帖最后由 huo_hu 于 2013-4-8 15:55 编辑 ]