/**************************************************************** NAME: u2440mon.c DESC: u2440mon entry point,menu,download ****************************************************************/ #define GLOBAL_CLK 1
#include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "def.h" #include "option.h" #include "2440addr.h" #include "2440lib.h" #include "2440slib.h" #include "mmu.h" #include "profile.h" #include "memtest.h"
extern char Image$$RO$$Limit[]; extern char Image$$RO$$Base[]; extern char Image$$RW$$Limit[]; extern char Image$$RW$$Base[]; extern char Image$$ZI$$Limit[]; extern char Image$$ZI$$Base[]; extern char kobeshot_480272[]; extern char ball_014014[];
void Isr_Init(void); void HaltUndef(void); void HaltSwi(void); void HaltPabort(void); void HaltDabort(void); void ClearMemory(void);
void Clk0_Enable(int clock_sel); void Clk1_Enable(int clock_sel); void Clk0_Disable(void); void Clk1_Disable(void);
extern void Lcd_TFT_Init(void); extern void Lcd_TFT_Test( void ) ; extern void Test_Touchpanel(void) ; extern void Test_Adc(void) ; extern void KeyScan_Test(void) ; extern void RTC_Display(void) ; extern void Test_IrDA_Tx(void) ; extern void PlayMusicTest(void) ; extern void RecordTest( void ) ; extern void Test_Iic(void) ; extern void Test_SDI(void) ; extern void Camera_Test( void ) ; extern void Paint_Bmp(int x0,int y0,int h,int l,unsigned char bmp[]); extern void Glib_FilledRectangle(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int color);
volatile U32 downloadAddress;
void (*restart)(void)=(void (*)(void))0x0;
volatile unsigned char *downPt; volatile U32 downloadFileSize; volatile U16 checkSum; volatile unsigned int err=0; volatile U32 totalDmaCount;
volatile int isUsbdSetConfiguration;
int download_run=0; U32 tempDownloadAddress; int menuUsed=0;
extern char Image$$RW$$Limit[]; U32 *pMagicNum=(U32 *)Image$$RW$$Limit; int consoleNum;
static U32 cpu_freq; static U32 UPLL; static void cal_cpu_bus_clk(void) { U32 val; U8 m, p, s; val = rMPLLCON; m = (val>>12)&0xff; p = (val>>4)&0x3f; s = val&3;
//(m+8)*FIN*2 不要超出32位数! FCLK = ((m+8)*(FIN/100)*2)/((p+2)*(1<<s))*100; val = rCLKDIVN; m = (val>>1)&3; p = val&1; val = rCAMDIVN; s = val>>8; switch (m) { case 0: HCLK = FCLK; break; case 1: HCLK = FCLK>>1; break; case 2: if(s&2) HCLK = FCLK>>3; else HCLK = FCLK>>2; break; case 3: if(s&1) HCLK = FCLK/6; else HCLK = FCLK/3; break; } if(p) PCLK = HCLK>>1; else PCLK = HCLK; if(s&0x10) cpu_freq = HCLK; else cpu_freq = FCLK; val = rUPLLCON; m = (val>>12)&0xff; p = (val>>4)&0x3f; s = val&3; UPLL = ((m+8)*FIN)/((p+2)*(1<<s)); UCLK = (rCLKDIVN&8)?(UPLL>>1):UPLL; }
void Temp_function() { Uart_Printf("\nPlease input 1-11 to select test!!!\n"); }
/*struct { void (*fun)(void); char *tip; }CmdTip[] = { { Temp_function, "Please input 1-11 to select test" } , { BUZZER_PWM_Test, "Test PWM" } , { RTC_Display, "RTC time display" } , { Test_Adc, "Test ADC" } , { KeyScan_Test, "Test interrupt and key scan" } , { Test_Touchpanel, "Test Touchpanel" } , { Lcd_TFT_Test, "Test TFT LCD" } , { Test_Iic, "Test IIC EEPROM" } , { PlayMusicTest, "UDA1341 play music" } , { RecordTest, "UDA1341 record voice" } , { Test_SDI, "Test SD Card" } , { Camera_Test, "Test CMOS Camera"}, { 0, 0} }; */
void Main(void) { char *mode; int i,ii,iii;; U8 key; U32 mpll_val = 0 ; //U32 divn_upll = 0 ; #if ADS10 // __rt_lib_init(); //for ADS 1.0 #endif
Port_Init(); Isr_Init(); i = 2 ; //don't use 100M! switch ( i ) { case 0: //200 key = 12; mpll_val = (92<<12)|(4<<4)|(1); break; case 1: //300 key = 13; mpll_val = (67<<12)|(1<<4)|(1); break; case 2: //400 key = 14; mpll_val = (92<<12)|(1<<4)|(1); break; case 3: //440!!! key = 14; mpll_val = (102<<12)|(1<<4)|(1); break; default: key = 14; mpll_val = (92<<12)|(1<<4)|(1); break; } //init FCLK=400M, so change MPLL first ChangeMPllValue((mpll_val>>12)&0xff, (mpll_val>>4)&0x3f, mpll_val&3); ChangeClockDivider(key, 12); cal_cpu_bus_clk(); consoleNum = 0; // Uart 1 select for debug. Uart_Init( 0,115200 ); Uart_Select( consoleNum ); Beep(2000, 100); Uart_SendByte('\n'); Uart_Printf("<***************************************>\n"); Uart_Printf(" TQ2440 Test Program\n"); Uart_Printf("\n"); // Uart_Printf(" Build time is: %s %s\n", __DATE__ , __TIME__ ); Uart_Printf("<***************************************>\n");
rMISCCR=rMISCCR&~(1<<3); // USBD is selected instead of USBH1 rMISCCR=rMISCCR&~(1<<13); // USB port 1 is enabled.
rDSC0 = 0x2aa; rDSC1 = 0x2aaaaaaa; //Enable NAND, USBD, PWM TImer, UART0,1 and GPIO clock, //the others must be enabled in OS!!! rCLKCON = 0xfffff0;
MMU_Init(); //
Clk0_Disable(); Clk1_Disable(); mpll_val = rMPLLCON;
Lcd_TFT_Init() ; // LCD initial download_run=1; //The default menu is the Download & Run mode.
while(1) { /*U8 idx; Uart_Printf("\nPlease select function : \n"); for(i=0;!=0; i++) Uart_Printf("%d : %s\n", i, CmdTip.tip); idx = Uart_GetIntNum_GJ() ; if(idx<i) { (*CmdTip[idx].fun)(); Delay(20); Uart_Init( 0,115200 ); } for(ii=0;ii<16;ii++) { if(ii<8) iii=60-8*ii; else iii=(ii-7)*10; Paint_Bmp(0,0,320,240,kobeshot_480272); Glib_FilledRectangle(200,40,240,80,0x0000); Paint_Bmp(205-10*ii,iii,14,14,ball_014014); Delay(500); }*/ for(ii=0;ii<32;ii++){ Glib_Line(ii,0,ii,240,(ii<11)|(0<5)|(0)); } for(ii=32;ii<95;ii++){ Glib_Line(ii,0,ii,240,(ii<11)|(0<5)|(0)); } for(ii=95;ii<126;ii++){ Glib_Line(ii,0,ii,240,(ii<11)|(0<5)|(0)); } for(ii=126;ii<160;ii++){ Glib_Line(ii,0,ii,240,(ii<11)|(0<5)|(0)); } for(ii=160;ii<200;ii++){ Glib_Line(ii,0,ii,240,(ii<11)|(0<5)|(0)); } for(ii=200;ii<240;ii++){ Glib_Line(ii,0,ii,240,(ii<11)|(0<5)|(0)); } }
void Isr_Init(void) { pISR_UNDEF=(unsigned)HaltUndef; pISR_SWI =(unsigned)HaltSwi; pISR_PABORT=(unsigned)HaltPabort; pISR_DABORT=(unsigned)HaltDabort; rINTMOD=0x0; // All=IRQ mode rINTMSK=BIT_ALLMSK; // All interrupt is masked. }
void HaltUndef(void) { Uart_Printf("Undefined instruction exception!!!\n"); while(1); }
void HaltSwi(void) { Uart_Printf("SWI exception!!!\n"); while(1); }
void HaltPabort(void) { Uart_Printf("Pabort exception!!!\n"); while(1); }
void HaltDabort(void) { Uart_Printf("Dabort exception!!!\n"); while(1); }
void ClearMemory(void) { int memError=0; U32 *pt; Uart_Printf("Clear Memory (%xh-%xh):WR",_RAM_STARTADDRESS,HEAPEND);
pt=(U32 *)_RAM_STARTADDRESS; while((U32)pt < HEAPEND) { *pt=(U32)0x0; pt++; } if(memError==0)Uart_Printf("\b\bO.K.\n"); }
void Clk0_Enable(int clock_sel) { // 0:MPLLin, 1:UPLL, 2:FCLK, 3:HCLK, 4:PCLK, 5:DCLK0 rMISCCR = rMISCCR&~(7<<4) | (clock_sel<<4); rGPHCON = rGPHCON&~(3<<18) | (2<<18); } void Clk1_Enable(int clock_sel) { // 0:MPLLout, 1:UPLL, 2:RTC, 3:HCLK, 4:PCLK, 5:DCLK1 rMISCCR = rMISCCR&~(7<<8) | (clock_sel<<8); rGPHCON = rGPHCON&~(3<<20) | (2<<20); } void Clk0_Disable(void) { rGPHCON = rGPHCON&~(3<<18); // GPH9 Input } void Clk1_Disable(void) { rGPHCON = rGPHCON&~(3<<20); // GPH10 Input }
在ADS下compile 出现error.说几乎所有头文件找不到啊..晕.这个是啥问题咧? ARM裸机我都学成这个样啦..唉..未来一片黑暗啊..