






果汁机霍尔开关 MH251(原装正版)+双节升压充电 远翔FP6291(原装正版) [复制链接]




便携式果汁机霍尔 MH251 原装正品


MH251 Hall-effect sensor is a temperature stable, stress

-resistant, Low Tolerance of Sensitivity

micro-power switch. Superior high-temperature performance is made possible through a dynamic

offset cancellation that utilizes chopper-stabilization. This method reduces the offset voltage

normally caused by device over molding, temperature dependencies, and thermal stress.

MH251 is special made for low operation voltage, 1.8V, to active the chip which is includes the

following on a single silicon chip: voltage regulator, Hall voltage generator, small-signal amplifier,

chopper stabilization, Schmitt trigger, CMOS output driver. Advanced CMOS wafer fabrication

processing is used to take advantage of low-voltage requirements, component matching, very low

input-offset errors, and small component geometries. This device requires the presence of

omni-polar magnetic fields for operation.

The package type is in a Halogen Free version has been verified by third party Lab.

Features and Benefits

⚫ CMOS Hall IC Technology

⚫ Strong RF noise protection

⚫ 1.8 to 6.0V for battery-powered applications

⚫ Omni polar, output switches with absolute value of North or South pole from magnet

⚫ Operation down to 1.8V, Micro power consumption

⚫ High Sensitivity for reed switch replacement applications

⚫ Multi Small Size option

⚫ Low sensitivity drift in crossing of Temp. range

⚫ Ultra Low power consumption at 5uA (Avg)

⚫ High ESD Protection, HBM > ±4KV( min )

⚫ Totem-pole output

⚫ RoHS compliant 2011/65/EU and Halogen Free.

2 双节升压充电 远翔FP6291




The FP6291 is a current mode boost DC-DC converter. Its PWM circuitry with built-in 0. 2Q power

MOSFET make this regulator highly power efficient. The intemal compens ation network also minimizes

as much as 6 external component counts. The non-inverting input of error amplifier connects to a 0.6V

precision reference voltage and intemal sof-start function can reduce the inrush current.

The FP6291 is available in the SOT23-6L package and provides space-saving PCB for the

application fields.


➢Adjustable Output up to 12V

➢Internal Fixed PWM frequency: 1 .0MHz

➢Precision Feedback Reference Voltage: 0.6V (2%)

➢Internal 0.20, 2.5A, 16V Power MOSFET

➢Shutdown Current: 0.1μA

➢Over Temperature Protection

➢Over Voltage Protection

➢Adjustable Over Current Protection: 0.5A~ 2.5A

➢Package: SOT23-6L

FP6291LV072.pdf (542.22 KB, 下载次数: 0)

072619_MH251_Datasheet_6V_V116.pdf (1.17 MB, 下载次数: 0)

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