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本帖最后由 paulhyde 于 2014-9-15 09:00 编辑

英特尔杯大学生嵌入式专题邀请赛的发起于2002年,目的在于组织国内优秀高校的精英学生参赛,通过竞赛锻炼学生对新兴技术的自我学习能力,培养学生的实践动手能力与创新意识;通过竞赛将更多前沿技术传播给指导教师,从而促进国内高校的电子类课程的教学改革。自2002年试点以来,英特尔杯大学生嵌入式专题邀请赛已经成功举办了三届,邀请范围逐步由国内扩大到港澳、东南亚、以及美国等地,规模维持在160支参赛队。今年竞赛开赛前,组委会邀请到部分参加过前几届竞赛的参赛学生与指导教师,畅谈了参加竞赛的心得体会,以及竞赛对他们今后发展的影响。 2002年9月,作为第一批被邀请的学校,北京大学派两个代表队参加了第一届嵌入式系统专题竞赛,并取得了非常好的成绩。在参加这次竞赛之前,我们对嵌入式系统并不十分了解,做相关科研的老师也很少,正是这次竞赛给了学生们学习新知识的机会,也给我们的教学提供了新鲜的血液。由于具有参加第一届《嵌入式系统专题竞赛》的经验,2003年,我们在北京大学信息科学技术学院正式开设出适合本科生教学的嵌入式课程。 第一届竞赛相对后面几届更加具有难度,因为参赛同学没有任何经验可以借鉴,完全靠着他们的探索和钻研才最终达到目标。而他们探索的过程和成功经验就为《嵌入式系统实验》课程提供了最原始的素材。这些素材最后都变成了一个个实验,融入到了课程之中。其他几届竞赛的同学们也都把他们的竞赛经验留给了他们的师弟师妹们,他们最终的作品也成为了很好的演示实验,让选课的同学对嵌入式系统可以做的事情有了最感性的认识。 —北京大学信息科学技术学院 杨延军 2002年竞赛英特尔杯获奖队指导教师    From the educator and researcher point of view, I benefit from and think highly of NUEDC for the following reasons: 1. It gives me an opportunity to network with my colleagues in China who are working in the embedded system area. Thanks for your excellent organization, the technical committee of NUEDC has been well represented by the professors and professionals from major universities and Intel. I believe other colleagues also benefit from this platform to exchange the state-of-the-art information. 2. It gives me an opportunity to recruit PhD students. Students who attend NUEDC are potentially very good candidates for PhD research. One of my current PhD students Liu Hanyu was recruited from NUEDC 2006. He was one of the first prize winners that year. His PhD progress so far is very good, which is also benefited from his NUEDC experience I believe. 3. It gives me an opportunity to have interactions with industry friends. Intel and other local Chinese companies have greatly sponsored and supported NUEDC competitions. —新加坡国立大学 哈亚军 2004年首批境外参赛队指导教师    在比赛期间我学到了很多东西,为我以后的学习和工作打下了坚实的基础。这不仅仅是学习了软硬件技术,而是在竞赛过程中,大家一起集思广益,发挥创造性思维,攻克了一个个难题,培养了良好的团队合作精神和学习了解决复杂问题的方法,这些平时课堂上很难学到的东西使我即使在现在进入Intel公司之后的工作中也受益匪浅。 —英特尔公司 潘伟斌 2002年竞赛参赛学生    大赛采用开放式形式,使我们每一个队员有很大的自由度来放开思路,发挥创意,对于嵌入式系统的设计来说是尤为重要的,因为很大程度上,嵌入式系统的设计正式通过不断的创新,利用有限的硬软件平台,扩展出众多不同的系统功能,结合各种系统功能进而实现与众不同的嵌入式应用。针对开放式命题难以评判的问题,大赛组织十分权威的专家组,组成丰富、不仅有各个高校的知名教授专家,也有来自企业界的软硬件工程师,这样不仅对于作品本身的技术细节,而且对于作品的创意和应用前景,专家们都能给出非常中肯的评价。这点让我们深感欣慰。公正公平的评判同时我们也从专家的意见和建议中收获良多,不仅是对我们参赛过程中付出的努力的一种肯定,同时从这些建议中收获的是一种宝贵的人生体验,很大程度上其价值甚于比赛结果本身。 —上海交通大学 张易知 2006年竞赛参赛学生    During the contest, students gained the chance to develop a real project, rather than just focusing on the theories in class. Real project development was an invaluable experience for undergraduate students, which was rather different from that of the previous course projects I did. We needed to convince others that it was a good product which could be introduced to the market. As a result, we learnt how to think from the perspective of users, but not just following the specification given by professors and tutors. Throughout the whole project, from conceptual design to drafting of project presentation slides, we kept asking ourselves:” why would a user want to use this product?” Whether we have been successful in answering this question or not, I believe we had tried our best and learnt a lot. Through working on the project as a group, students learnt more about teamwork and project management in tight time constraints. As it was a team project, we had the chance to cooperate with other teammates, including how to come to a compromise whenever we had different opinions inside our group, which is an important skill no matter we planned to continue our pursuit in academic career or the industry. —香港中文大学 傅家权 2006年竞赛英特尔杯获奖队参赛学生


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