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Based in Blackwood, NJ USA, Global Capital Equipment Market (GCEMarket, Inc.) is a supplier of refurbished and used capital equipment for Semi / Opto / Mems / Nano / Solar markets. Our solutions will help you realize significant savings over the OEM and our competitors. Our offering includes equipment, parts and services for customers worldwide. GCEMarket is now into 10th year of business and we are very thankful for support from all of our customers. Our team invites you to leverage our knowledge, experience, and professionalism to achieve your target results.

Below you will find a summary of current offerings and our needs:

Primary offering
1) KLA 8xxx CD-SEM systems: Sales, refurbishment, and long term support. Configured to customer's requirement. 15 systems in stock. Large stock of parts. Refurbished with 3 months warranty.
2) KLA EV300 Defect Review Systems: Technical support, training and service calls.
3) Credence Kalos Testers: Sales, refurbishment, and long term parts support. Configured to customer's requirement. Large stock of parts. 3 months warranty.
4) Nikon Steppers/Scanners: Sales, refurbishment, and support. G-Line, I-Line, DUV. In cooperation with US based Nikon refurbisher. 3 months warranty.
5) Applied Materials CVD/Etch/Sputter systems: Sales, refurbishment, and support. In cooperation with US based AMAT refurbisher. 3 months warranty.

We are offering the following equipment for sale. Refurbishment, start up and support services are available for most equipment.


ADE 9500 Ultraguage
Alcatel 601E ICP Bosch etcher
Alcatel AMS-100 I-speeder ICP Bosch etcher
Aixtron 2400/G3 MOCVD for GaN 6 x 2" (3 systems for sale)
Aixtron 2400/G2 MOCVD, As/P
Aixtron 2600/G3 MOCVD, GaAs, 6 x 2"
Axcelis / Fusion Gemini Photostabilizer system(GPS)
Axcelis / Fusion M200 PCU Photostabilizer system
Applied Materials P5000 RIE, 6", 3 MxP chambers, Oxide/Poly (upto 8")
Applied Materials P5000 RIE, 8", 4 MxP+ chambers
Applied Materials P5000 PECVD system, 8", TEOS with PLIS
Canon FPA-3000 EX4 DU! V Stepper, 8" (Refurbished by Canon, Guaranteed performance)
Canon FPA-3000 Stepper spare parts (suitable for i3, i4, i5, iw, EX3, EX4, EX5, EX6 in stock)
CHA Industries Mark 40C Evaporator
Emcore D180 MOCVD, GaN, 2 systems, presently running in production, Relocation service availabl
Emcore E400 MOCVD As/P, pr esently running in production
F&K Delvotec 5430 Wire Bonder
FEI 800 FIB, operational in Lab
FEI / Micrion 9500 FIB, operational in Lab
FEI Strata 201 FIB, operational in La
FEI Tecnai F20 TEM, operational in Lab
Hamamatsu Systems Phemos-1000
Hitachi S4500 SEM
Hitachi S5000 SEM
Karl Suss FC15! 0 flip Chip Bonder (SRA config)
Karl Suss MA200CC Mask Aligner
Karl Suss MA150 Mask Aligner
KLA-Tencor 5100XP Overlay Tool, upto 8" (3 qty)
KLA-Tencor 5200, 5300 Overlay tools (coming soon)
KLA-Tencor 5500 Surfscan
KLA-Tencor 6200 Surfscan
KLA-Tencor 8100, 8100T, 8100E, 8100XP,8100XPR,82508300,8450 CD SEM, upto 8" (several in stock, Refurbished with warranty and installation)
KLA-Tencor HRP-220 Profiler
KLA-Tencor P20H Profiler
KLA-Tencor RS-55
LAM 4520 Oxide etchers, 8" (several available)
LAM 9608 Metal etchers! , 8" (several available)
Leica Vistec INS 3000 Wafer Inspection System
Mactronix Eureka Wafer Transfer System (8 qty)
MGI Phoenix V4 - Wafer Transfer System, for 6" wafers
Nanometrics Nanospec 6100
Nikon S203B D! UV SCANNER, 0.18um, 8" (refurbished / turn-key system
Nikon S202A DUV SCANNER, 8" (refurbished / turn-key system)
Oxford Plasmalab 100 ICP Etcher (180 ICP source)
Oxford 80+ RIE systems
Plasmatherm 790 PECVD system
STS Multiplex PECVD system
TEL ACT 8 Coater/Developer System (Single Block system, Excellent condition, just arrived)

Parts Inventory for KLA-Tencor CD-SEM systems


Advantest T5581H tester with 2ea D-type test heads
Advantest T5581 (Spare Parts Only)
Advantest T5585 (Spare Parts Only)
Advantest T5591
Agilent V4436 flash memory tester
Credence DUO XP, 384 pin, mixed signal (parts only)
Credence ! Kalos 2 HEX (2 sets)
Credence Kalos 2 (several sets)
Credence Kalos XW (5 sets, Brand New)
Credence Kalos HEX
Credence Personal Kalos (PK1) , 3 qty, any configuration can be supplied
Credence Personal Kalos (PK2) , 4 qty, any configuration can be supplied
Keithley S400/S425 tester with EG4085 prober (5 sets)
Teradyne A575 Mixed Signal Tester

Parts Inventory for Advantest, Teradyne, Credence Testers


Advantest M6541A handler
Advantest M6741A handler
Daymarc 717 Handler
EG 4080x Wafer Prober, upto 8" (3 qty)
Wentwo! rth APS-80 Wafer Prober

We also buy equipment for our own stock. Also, we are assisting our customers with locating the following equipment. If you have such equipment for sale, we are interested in receiving details from you. Please do not hesitate to send us a list of your surplus tools as we are always in the market looking for opportunities to add to our inventory.


Simon Zhang


GCEMarket China Sales Office
Suite 1116, YinQiao Building
58 JinXin Road, JinQiao, Pudong Shanghai, 206201 PRC
Tel: 0086-21-51303606
Fax: 0086-21-51303605
China Mobile: 86-13916644000
QQ:11992827, MSN: Puresimon@msn.com, Skype: Puresimon
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