






ADSP-BF561 DMA方式介绍 [复制链接]

9 Direct Memory Access
9 直接内存访问(DMA
The processor uses Direct Memory Access (DMA) to transferdata within memory spaces or between a memory space and a peripheral. Theprocessor can specify data transfer operations and return to normal processingwhile the fully integrated DMA controller carries out the data transfersindependent of processor activity
ADSP-BF561 has three independent DMA controllers, DMA1, DMA2and IMDMA. The centralized DMA control configurations with variable sized datastructure descriptors are capable of data transfers within memories or betweenmemory and a peripheral. Each of DMA1 and DMA2 has twelve peripheral DMAchannels and four memory DMA channels. IMDMA has four memory DMA channels.
ADSP-BF561 有三个独立的DMA控制器,DMA1, DMA2 IMDMA
Note: Peripherals connected to theDMA1 controller can support up to 32-bit data transfers, while those connectedto DMA2 can support up to 16-bit transfers. For more information, refer to “ChipBus Hierarchy”

The DMA controllers can perform several types ofdata transfers:
Between internal memories (L1/L2) (IMDMA, MDMA1,MDMA2) Chapter 6, “Memory.”
Between external memory (SDRAM, Flash memory)and internal memory (L1/L2) (MDAM1, MDMA2) chapter 6, “Memory.”
Between memory and the Serial PeripheralInterface (SPI) Chapter 10, “SPI compatible Port Controllers.”
Between memory and a Serial Port (SPORT) Chapter12, “Serial Port Controllers.”
Between memory and the UART Port Chapter 13, “UARTPort Controller.”
Between memory and the Parallel PeripheralInterface (PPI) Chapter 11, “Parallel Peripheral Interface.”

DMA 控制器的数据传输方式:
内部存储器(L1/L2)(IMDMA, MDMA1, MDMA2)之间。第6章,“存储器”。
外部存储器(SDRAM, Flash memory)与内部存储器(L1/L2)(MDMA1,MDMA2)之间。第6章,“存储器”。
存储器与串行外围设备接口(SPI)之间。第10章,“SPI 兼容接口控制器”。
。第13章,“UART 接口控制器”。
Table 9-1 shows the default channel assignment at DSP reset.The channel number is also the default channel priority number; a value of 0indicates the highest priority. However, the user can program it using thePeripheral Map Register(DMAx_PERIPHERAL_MAP or MDMA_yy_PERIPHERAL_MAP).
Table 9-1. DefaultChannel Assignment
9-1. 默认的管道分配
  PPI0 Receive/Transmit
  SPORT0 Receive
  IMDMA Stream0 Destination
  PPI1 Receive/Transmit
  SPORT0 Transmit
  IMDMA Stream0 Source
  SPORT1 Receive
  IMDMA Stream1 Destination
  SPORT2 Transmit
  IMDMA Stream1 Source
  SPI Receive/Transmit
  UART Receive
  UART Transmit
  MDMA Stream0 Destination
  MDMA Stream0 Destination
  MDMA Stream0 Source
  MDMA Stream0 Source
  MDMA Stream1 Destination
  MDMA Stream1 Destination
  MDMA Stream1
  MDMA Stream1 Source

This Chapter describes the features common to all the DMAchannels, as well as how DMA operations are set up. For specific peripheralfeatures, see the appropriate peripheral chapter for additional information.Performance and bus arbitration for DMA can be found in “DAB, DCB, and DEBPerformance” on another page.
DMA transfers on the processor can be descriptor-based orregister-based. Descriptor-based DMA transfers require a set of parametersstored within memory to initiate a DMA sequence. This sort of transfer allowsthe chaining together of multiple DMA sequences. In descriptor-based DMAoperation, a DMA channel can be programmed to automatically set up and startanother DMA transfer after the current sequence completes. Register-based DMAallows the processor to directly program DMA control registers to initiate aDMA transfer. On completion, the control registers may be automatically updatedwith their original setup values for continuous transfer, if needed.
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