1. import editor
2. editor.edit("sd.cpp")
- import sys
- class Console:
- def __init__(self):
- pass
- def SetColor(self,f,b):
- s="\033[%(fg)d;%(bg)dm"%{'fg':f,'bg':b}
- sys.stdout.write(s)
- def ClearSetting(self):
- s="\033[0m"
- sys.stdout.write(s)
- def ClearScreen(self):
- s="\033[2J"
- sys.stdout.write(s)
- def ClearToEnd(self):
- s="\033[K"
- sys.stdout.write(s)
- def HideCursor(self):
- s="\033[?25l"
- sys.stdout.write(s)
- def ShowCursor(self):
- s="\033[?25h"
- sys.stdout.write(s)
- def SetCursor(self,x,y):
- x=x+1
- y=y+1
- s="\033[%(x)d;%(y)dH"%{'x':x,'y':y}
- sys.stdout.write(s)
- def Write(self,s):
- sys.stdout.write(s)
- def Read(self):
- return sys.stdin.buffer.read(1).decode()
- #return sys.stdin.read(1)
- from linelist import *
- from console import *
- class FileIo:
- def __init__(self):
- self.f=None
- def open(self,s,opt):
- self.f=open(s,opt)
- def load(self):
- self.f.seek(0)
- return self.f.readlines()
- def seek(self,n):
- self.f.seek(n)
- def close(self):
- self.f.close()
- def write(self,s):
- self.f.write(s)
- def flush(self):
- self.f.flush()
- class Editor:
- def __init__(self):
- self.w=50
- self.h=20
- self.path=None
- self.console = Console()
- self.cursor_x = 0
- self.cursor_y = 0
- self.cursorToStrIndex =0;
- self.curLine = None;
- self.firstDispLine = None
- self.lines = LineList()
- self.isModified=0
- self.enableDebug=0
- def edit(self,s):
- self.console.ClearScreen()
- self.console.ClearSetting()
- self.path=s
- self.lines.h = None
- self.lines.t = None
- file = FileIo()
- file.open(s,"r")
- buf=file.load()
- for i in range(len(buf)):
- self.lines.add(buf[i])
- file.close()
- self.lines.add("")
- self.curLine = self.lines.h;
- self.firstDispLine = self.lines.h;
- self.updateTitle()
- self.updateEdit()
- self.cursor_x = 0
- self.cursor_y = 1
- self.cursorToStrIndex =0;
- self.console.SetCursor(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x)
- self.isModified=0
- self.loop()
- def doSave(self):
- file = FileIo()
- file.open(self.path,"w")
- file.seek(0)
- it = self.lines.h
- while (it is not None):
- file.write(it.s)
- it = it.n
- file.flush()
- file.close()
- self.isModified=0
- self.updateTitle()
- self.dbgPrint("file saved")
- def updateTitle(self):
- if(self.isModified==0):
- self.updateLine(0,0,self.path)
- else:
- self.updateLine(0,0,self.path+"*")
- def updateEdit(self):
- it = self.firstDispLine
- linenumber=0
- while (it is not None):
- self.updateLine(linenumber+1,0,it.s)
- it = it.n
- linenumber+=1;
- if(linenumber==self.h):
- break
- def updateLine(self,y,x,s):
- self.console.SetCursor(y,x)
- self.console.ClearToEnd()
- cursor_pos=x
- str_pos=0
- while(str_pos<len(s) and cursor_pos<self.w):
- c=s[str_pos]
- if(c=='\r'):
- self.console.SetColor(30,47)
- self.console.Write('r');
- self.console.SetColor(37,40)
- str_pos+=1
- cursor_pos+=1
- elif(c=='\n'):
- self.console.SetColor(30,47)
- self.console.Write('n');
- self.console.SetColor(37,40)
- str_pos+=1
- cursor_pos+=1
- elif(c=='\t'):
- n=self.w-cursor_pos
- nn=0
- self.console.SetColor(93,47)
- while(n>0 and nn<4):
- self.console.Write('.')
- cursor_pos+=1
- n-=1
- nn+=1;
- self.console.SetColor(37,40)
- str_pos+=1
- elif(c<'\x20' or c>'\x7e'):
- self.console.SetColor(30,47)
- self.console.Write('?');
- self.console.SetColor(37,40)
- str_pos+=1
- cursor_pos+=1
- else:
- self.console.Write(c);
- str_pos+=1
- cursor_pos+=1
- def dbgPrint(self,s,n=0):
- if(self.enableDebug):
- self.console.SetCursor(self.h+2+n,0)
- self.console.ClearToEnd()
- self.updateLine(self.h+2+n,0,s)
- self.console.SetCursor(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x)
- def loop(self):
- state=0
- while(True):
- c=self.console.Read()
- if(state==0):
- if(c=='\033'):
- state=1
- elif(c=='\x7f'):
- self.dbgPrint("key Delete")
- self.KeyDelete()
- elif(c=='\x08'):
- self.dbgPrint("key Backspace")
- elif(c=='\x09'):
- self.dbgPrint("key Tab")
- self.KeyTab();
- elif(c=='\x0d'):
- self.dbgPrint("key Enter")
- self.KeyEnter()
- elif(c=='\x03'):
- self.dbgPrint("key Ctrl-C")
- elif(c=='\x13'):
- self.dbgPrint("key Ctrl-S")
- self.KeyCtrlS()
- elif(c=='\x18'):
- self.dbgPrint("key Ctrl-X")
- self.KeyCtrlX()
- elif(c>='\x20' and c<'\x7f'):
- self.KeyNormal(c)
- elif(state==1):
- if(c=='['):
- state=2
- else:
- state=0
- else:
- if(c=='A'):
- self.dbgPrint("key Up")
- self.KeyUp()
- if(c=='B'):
- self.dbgPrint("key Down")
- self.KeyDown()
- if(c=='C'):
- self.dbgPrint("key Right")
- self.KeyRight()
- if(c=='D'):
- self.dbgPrint("key Left")
- self.KeyLeft()
- if(c=='L'):
- self.dbgPrint("key Insert")
- if(c=='H'):
- self.dbgPrint("key Home")
- if(c=='I'):
- self.dbgPrint("key PageUp")
- if(c=='F'):
- self.dbgPrint("key End")
- if(c=='G'):
- self.dbgPrint("key PageDown")
- if(c=='M'):
- self.dbgPrint("key F1")
- if(c=='N'):
- self.dbgPrint("key F2")
- if(c=='O'):
- self.dbgPrint("key F3")
- if(c=='P'):
- self.dbgPrint("key F4")
- if(c=='Q'):
- self.dbgPrint("key F5")
- if(c=='R'):
- self.dbgPrint("key F6")
- if(c=='S'):
- self.dbgPrint("key F7")
- if(c=='T'):
- self.dbgPrint("key F8")
- if(c=='U'):
- self.dbgPrint("key F9")
- if(c=='V'):
- self.dbgPrint("key F10")
- if(c=='W'):
- self.dbgPrint("key F11")
- if(c=='X'):
- self.dbgPrint("key F12")
- state=0
- def KeyNormal(self,c):
- self.curLine.s=self.curLine.s[:self.cursorToStrIndex]+c+self.curLine.s[self.cursorToStrIndex:]
- if(self.isModified==0):
- self.isModified=1
- self.updateTitle()
- self.cursorToStrIndex+=1
- if(self.cursor_x==self.w-1):
- self.cursor_x=1
- self.updateLine(self.cursor_y,0,self.curLine.s[self.cursorToStrIndex-1:])
- self.console.SetCursor(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x)
- else:
- self.cursor_x+=1
- self.updateLine(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x-1,self.curLine.s[self.cursorToStrIndex-1:])
- self.console.SetCursor(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x)
- def KeyTab(self):
- self.curLine.s=self.curLine.s[:self.cursorToStrIndex]+'\t'+self.curLine.s[self.cursorToStrIndex:]
- if(self.isModified==0):
- self.isModified=1
- self.updateTitle()
- self.cursorToStrIndex+=1
- if(self.cursor_x>=self.w-4):
- self.cursor_x=4
- self.updateLine(self.cursor_y,0,self.curLine.s[self.cursorToStrIndex-1:])
- self.console.SetCursor(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x)
- else:
- self.cursor_x+=4
- self.updateLine(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x-4,self.curLine.s[self.cursorToStrIndex-1:])
- self.console.SetCursor(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x)
- def KeyLeft(self):
- if(self.cursorToStrIndex>=2):
- c1=self.curLine.s[self.cursorToStrIndex-1]
- c2=self.curLine.s[self.cursorToStrIndex-2]
- if(c1=='\t'):
- if(self.cursor_x<=4):
- if(c2=='\t'):
- self.cursor_x=4
- else:
- self.cursor_x=1
- self.updateLine(self.cursor_y,0,self.curLine.s[self.cursorToStrIndex-2:])
- self.console.SetCursor(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x)
- else:
- self.cursor_x-=4
- self.console.SetCursor(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x)
- else:
- if(self.cursor_x<=1):
- if(c2=='\t'):
- self.cursor_x=4
- else:
- self.cursor_x=1
- self.updateLine(self.cursor_y,0,self.curLine.s[self.cursorToStrIndex-2:])
- self.console.SetCursor(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x)
- else:
- self.cursor_x-=1
- self.console.SetCursor(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x)
- self.cursorToStrIndex-=1
- elif(self.cursorToStrIndex==1):
- self.cursor_x=0
- self.updateLine(self.cursor_y,0,self.curLine.s)
- self.console.SetCursor(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x)
- self.cursorToStrIndex-=1
- def KeyRight(self):
- if(len(self.curLine.s)==0):
- return
- if(self.cursorToStrIndex<len(self.curLine.s)):
- c=self.curLine.s[self.cursorToStrIndex]
- else:
- return
- if(c=='\n'):# or c=='\r'): #NOTE!!
- return
- elif(c=='\t'):
- if(self.cursor_x+4>self.w-1):
- self.cursor_x = 4
- self.cursorToStrIndex+=1
- self.updateLine(self.cursor_y,0,self.curLine.s[self.cursorToStrIndex-1:])
- self.console.SetCursor(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x)
- else:
- self.cursor_x+=4
- self.cursorToStrIndex+=1
- self.console.SetCursor(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x)
- else:
- if(self.cursor_x+1>self.w-1):
- self.cursor_x = 1
- self.cursorToStrIndex+=1
- self.updateLine(self.cursor_y,0,self.curLine.s[self.cursorToStrIndex-1:])
- self.console.SetCursor(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x)
- else:
- self.cursor_x+=1
- self.cursorToStrIndex+=1
- self.console.SetCursor(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x)
- def KeyUp(self):
- if(self.curLine == self.lines.h):
- return
- else:
- if(self.cursor_y<=1):
- self.cursor_x=0
- self.cursorToStrIndex=0
- self.curLine=self.curLine.p
- self.firstDispLine = self.firstDispLine.p
- self.updateEdit()
- self.console.SetCursor(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x)
- else:
- self.updateLine(self.cursor_y,0,self.curLine.s)
- self.cursor_y-=1
- self.cursor_x=0
- self.cursorToStrIndex=0
- self.curLine=self.curLine.p
- self.console.SetCursor(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x)
- def KeyDown(self):
- if(self.curLine == self.lines.t):
- return
- else:
- if(self.cursor_y>=self.h):
- self.cursor_x=0
- self.cursorToStrIndex=0
- self.curLine=self.curLine.n
- self.firstDispLine = self.firstDispLine.n
- self.updateEdit()
- self.console.SetCursor(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x)
- else:
- self.updateLine(self.cursor_y,0,self.curLine.s)
- self.cursor_y+=1
- self.cursor_x=0
- self.cursorToStrIndex=0
- self.curLine=self.curLine.n
- self.console.SetCursor(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x)
- def KeyDelete(self):
- if(self.cursorToStrIndex<len(self.curLine.s)):
- c=self.curLine.s[self.cursorToStrIndex]
- else:
- return
- if(c!='\n'):
- self.curLine.s=self.curLine.s[:self.cursorToStrIndex]+self.curLine.s[1+self.cursorToStrIndex:]
- if(self.isModified==0):
- self.isModified=1
- self.updateTitle()
- self.updateLine(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x,self.curLine.s[self.cursorToStrIndex:])
- self.console.SetCursor(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x)
- else:
- self.curLine.s=self.curLine.s[:-1]
- if(self.isModified==0):
- self.isModified=1
- self.updateTitle()
- if(self.curLine.n!=None):
- self.curLine.s+=self.curLine.n.s
- self.lines.erase(self.curLine.n)
- self.updateLine(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x,self.curLine.s[self.cursorToStrIndex:])
- it=self.curLine.n;
- y=self.cursor_y+1;
- while ((it is not None) and y<=self.h):
- self.updateLine(y,0,it.s)
- y+=1
- it = it.n
- while(y<=self.h):
- self.updateLine(y,0,"")
- y+=1
- self.console.SetCursor(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x)
- def KeyEnter(self):
- a=self.curLine.s[:self.cursorToStrIndex]
- b=self.curLine.s[self.cursorToStrIndex:]
- a+='\x0a'#note!!
- self.curLine.s=a
- self.lines.insert(self.curLine,b)
- if(self.isModified==0):
- self.isModified=1
- self.updateTitle()
- if(self.cursor_y>=self.h):
- self.cursor_x=0
- self.cursorToStrIndex=0
- self.curLine=self.curLine.n
- self.firstDispLine = self.firstDispLine.n
- self.updateEdit()
- self.console.SetCursor(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x)
- else:
- self.cursor_y+=1
- self.cursor_x=0
- self.cursorToStrIndex=0
- self.curLine=self.curLine.n
- self.updateEdit()
- self.console.SetCursor(self.cursor_y,self.cursor_x)
- def KeyCtrlS(self):
- if(self.isModified==1):
- self.doSave();
- def KeyCtrlX(self):
- self.console.ClearSetting()
- self.console.ClearScreen()
- self.console.SetCursor(0,0)
- import sys
- sys.exit(0)
- def edit(s):
- editor = Editor()
- editor.edit(s)
- def edit_debug(s):
- editor = Editor()
- editor.enableDebug=1
- editor.edit(s)
- class Line:
- def __init__(self,str=""):
- self.s = str
- self.n = None
- self.p = None
- class LineList(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.h = None
- self.t = None
- def add(self,a):
- nd = Line(a)
- if(self.h == None):
- self.h = nd;
- if(self.t != None):
- self.t.n = nd;
- nd.p = self.t;
- nd.n = None;
- self.t = nd;
- def insert(self,a,b):
- nd = Line(b)
- if(a.n == None):
- self.add(b);
- else:
- c=a.n;
- nd.p = a;
- nd.n = c;
- a.n = nd;
- c.p = nd;
- def erase(self,a):
- if(a.p == None):
- self.h = a.n;
- elif(a.n == None):
- self.t = a.p;
- else:
- a1 = a.p;
- a2 = a.n;
- a1.n = a2;
- a2.p = a1;
- def isBegin(self,a):
- if(self.h == a):
- return True;
- else:
- return False;
- def isEnd(self,a):
- if(self.t == a):
- return True;
- else:
- return False;