跑了两个小时,最后实现 布线出来5个致命警告,实现 设计出来1个错误和1个警告!
ImplementationRoute Design
[Route 35-54] Net: BLAST_IBUF is not completely routed.
[Route 35-7] Design has 2 unroutable pins, potentially caused by placement issues.
[Route 35-1] Design is not completely routed. There is 1 net that is not completely routed.
[Timing 38-282] The design failed to meet the timing requirements. Please see the timing summary report for details on the timing violations.
impl_1open_run impl_1
[Common 17-165] Too many positional options when parsing 'division/mig.runs/impl_1/项目名称_power_routed.rpx', please type 'open_report -help' for usage info.
[Timing 38-282] The design failed to meet the timing requirements. Please see the timing summary report for details on the timing violations.