TI 公司的bq27741-G1是用于单个电池组的锂电池电量检测集成电路,提供计于硬件的过压和欠压保护,充电时的过流保护以及短路保护.采用专利的Impedance Track™算法,提供剩余容量(mAh),充电状态(%),剩余工作时间,电池电压(mV)和温度(℃),主要用在智能手机,PDA,数码相机和摄像机,手持终端,MP3或多媒体播放器.本文介绍了bq27741-G1主要特性,两种参考应用电路以及bq27741-G1评估模块(EVM)特性, 和电池与系统负载/充电器连接图,电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图.
Digital Still and Video Cameras
Handheld Terminals
MP3 or Multimedia Players
图1. bq27741-G1参考电路:I2C模式
图2. bq27741-G1参考电路:HDQ模式
This evaluation module (EVM) is a complete evaluation system for the bq27741-G1. The EVM includes one bq27741 circuit module, a current sense resistor, two thermistors, and two protection N-FETs. An EV2400 PC interface board and a PC USB cable are required for gas gauge interface, but must be ordered separately. The circuit module includes one bq27741 integrated circuit and all other onboard components necessary to monitor and predict capacity for a pack-side fuel gauge solution and to perform the protection. The circuit module connects directly across the battery cell. With the EV2400 interface
board and software, the user can read the bq27741 data registers, program the chipset for different pack configurations, log cycling data for further evaluation, and evaluate the overall functionality of the bq27741 solution under different charge and discharge conditions. The latest Windows™-based PC software can be downloaded from the product folder on the Texas Instruments Web site.
• Complete evaluation system for the bq27741 gas gauge with Impedance Track™ Technology
• Populated circuit module for quick setup
• Personal computer (PC) software and interface board for easy evaluation
• Software that allows data logging for system analysis
• Ability to upgrade to the latest firmware version by flash reprogramming