* @brief Configures the FSMC and GPIOs to inte**ce with the NAND memory.
* This function must be called before any write/read operation on the NAND.
* @param None
* @retval None
void FSMC_NAND_Init(void)
GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
FSMC_NANDInitTypeDef FSMC_NANDInitStructure;
FSMC_NAND_PCCARDTimingInitTypeDef p;
/** * @brief This routine is for sequential read from one or several 512 Bytes Page size.
* @param pBuffer: pointer on the Buffer to fill
* @param Address: First page address
* @param NumPageToRead: Number of page to read
* @retval New status of the NAND operation. This parameter can be:
* - NAND_TIMEOUT_ERROR: when the previous operation generate
* a Timeout error
* - NAND_READY: when memory is ready for the next operation
* And the new status of the increment address operation. It can be:
* - NAND_VALID_ADDRESS: When the new address is valid address
* - NAND_INVALID_ADDRESS: When the new address is invalid address*/
uint32_t FSMC_NAND_ReadLargePage(uint8_t *pBuffer, NAND_ADDRESS Address, uint32_t NumPageToRead)
uint32_t index = 0x00, numpageread = 0x00, addressstatus = NAND_VALID_ADDRESS;
uint32_t status = NAND_READY, size = 0x00;
while((NumPageToRead != 0x0) && (addressstatus == NAND_VALID_ADDRESS))
/* Page Read command and page address */
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = NAND_CMD_AREA_A; //地址
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = 0x00; //命令
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_1st_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS);
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_2nd_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS); //访问地址
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_3rd_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS);
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_4th_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS);
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = NAND_CMD_AREA_TRUE1; //命令
/* Calculate the size */
size = NAND_PAGE_SIZE + (NAND_PAGE_SIZE * numpageread);
/* Get Data into Buffer */
for(; index < size; index++)
pBuffer[index]= *(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | DATA_AREA);
/* Calculate page address */
addressstatus = FSMC_NAND_AddressIncrement(&Address);
status = FSMC_NAND_GetStatus();
return (status | addressstatus);
* @brief This routine write the spare area information for the specified
* pages addresses.
* @param pBuffer: pointer on the Buffer containing data to be written
* @param Address: First page address
* @param NumSpareAreaTowrite: Number of Spare Area to write
* @retval New status of the NAND operation. This parameter can be:
* - NAND_TIMEOUT_ERROR: when the previous operation generate
* a Timeout error
* - NAND_READY: when memory is ready for the next operation
* And the new status of the increment address operation. It can be:
* - NAND_VALID_ADDRESS: When the new address is valid address
* - NAND_INVALID_ADDRESS: When the new address is invalid address
uint32_t FSMC_NAND_WriteLargeSpareArea(uint8_t *pBuffer, NAND_ADDRESS Address, uint32_t NumSpareAreaTowrite)
uint32_t index = 0x00, numsparesreawritten = 0x00, addressstatus = NAND_VALID_ADDRESS;
uint32_t status = NAND_READY, size = 0x00;
while((NumSpareAreaTowrite != 0x00) && (addressstatus == NAND_VALID_ADDRESS) && (status == NAND_READY))
/* Page write Spare area command and address */
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = NAND_CMD_AREA_C;
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = NAND_CMD_WRITE0;
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = 0x00;
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_1st_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS);
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_2nd_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS);
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_3rd_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS);
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_4th_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS);
/* Calculate the size */
size = NAND_SPARE_AREA_SIZE + (NAND_SPARE_AREA_SIZE * numsparesreawritten);
/* Write the data */
for(; index < size; index++)
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | DATA_AREA) = pBuffer[index];
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = NAND_CMD_WRITE_TRUE1;
/* Check status for successful operation */
status = FSMC_NAND_GetStatus();
if(status == NAND_READY)
/* Calculate Next page Address */
addressstatus = FSMC_NAND_AddressIncrement(&Address);
return (status | addressstatus);
* @brief This routine read the spare area information from the specified
* pages addresses.
* @param pBuffer: pointer on the Buffer to fill
* @param Address: First page address
* @param NumSpareAreaToRead: Number of Spare Area to read
* @retval New status of the NAND operation. This parameter can be:
* - NAND_TIMEOUT_ERROR: when the previous operation generate
* a Timeout error
* - NAND_READY: when memory is ready for the next operation
* And the new status of the increment address operation. It can be:
* - NAND_VALID_ADDRESS: When the new address is valid address
* - NAND_INVALID_ADDRESS: When the new address is invalid address*/
uint32_t FSMC_NAND_ReadLargeSpareArea(uint8_t *pBuffer, NAND_ADDRESS Address, uint32_t NumSpareAreaToRead)
uint32_t numsparearearead = 0x00, index = 0x00, addressstatus = NAND_VALID_ADDRESS;
uint32_t status = NAND_READY, size = 0x00;
while((NumSpareAreaToRead != 0x0) && (addressstatus == NAND_VALID_ADDRESS))
/* Page Read command and page address */
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = NAND_CMD_AREA_C;
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = 0x00;
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_1st_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS);
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_2nd_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS);
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_3rd_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS);
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_4th_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS);
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = NAND_CMD_AREA_TRUE1;
/* Data Read */
size = NAND_SPARE_AREA_SIZE + (NAND_SPARE_AREA_SIZE * numsparearearead);
/* Get Data into Buffer */
for ( ;index < size; index++)
pBuffer[index] = *(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | DATA_AREA);
/* Calculate page address */
addressstatus = FSMC_NAND_AddressIncrement(&Address);
status = FSMC_NAND_GetStatus();
return (status | addressstatus);
* @brief This routine erase complete block from NAND FLASH
* @param Address: Any address into block to be erased
* @retval New status of the NAND operation. This parameter can be:
* - NAND_TIMEOUT_ERROR: when the previous operation generate
* a Timeout error
* - NAND_READY: when memory is ready for the next operation
uint32_t FSMC_NAND_EraseLargeBlock(NAND_ADDRESS Address)//大页需要更改
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = NAND_CMD_ERASE0;
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_3rd_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS);
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | ADDR_AREA) = ADDR_4th_CYCLE(ROW_ADDRESS);
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = NAND_CMD_ERASE1;
return (FSMC_NAND_GetStatus());
* @brief This routine reset the NAND FLASH
* @param None
* @retval NAND_READY
uint32_t FSMC_NAND_Reset(void)
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = NAND_CMD_RESET;
return (NAND_READY);
* @brief Get the NAND operation status
* @param None
* @retval New status of the NAND operation. This parameter can be:
* - NAND_TIMEOUT_ERROR: when the previous operation generate
* a Timeout error
* - NAND_READY: when memory is ready for the next operation */
uint32_t FSMC_NAND_GetStatus(void)
uint32_t timeout = 0x1000000, status = NAND_READY;
status = FSMC_NAND_ReadStatus();
/* Wait for a NAND operation to complete or a TIMEOUT to occur */
while ((status != NAND_READY) &&( timeout != 0x00))
status = FSMC_NAND_ReadStatus();
timeout --;
if(timeout == 0x00)
/* Return the operation status */
return (status);
* @brief Reads the NAND memory status using the Read status command
* @param None
* @retval The status of the NAND memory. This parameter can be:
* - NAND_BUSY: when memory is busy
* - NAND_READY: when memory is ready for the next operation
* - NAND_ERROR: when the previous operation gererates error*/
uint32_t FSMC_NAND_ReadStatus(void)
uint32_t data = 0x00, status = NAND_BUSY;
/* Read status operation ------------------------------------ */
*(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = NAND_CMD_STATUS;
data = *(__IO uint8_t *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR);
if((data & NAND_ERROR) == NAND_ERROR)
status = NAND_ERROR;
else if((data & NAND_READY) == NAND_READY)
status = NAND_READY;
status = NAND_BUSY;
* @brief Increment the NAND memory address
* @param Address: address to be incremented.
* @retval The new status of the increment address operation. It can be:
* - NAND_VALID_ADDRESS: When the new address is valid address
* - NAND_INVALID_ADDRESS: When the new address is invalid address
uint32_t FSMC_NAND_AddressIncrement(NAND_ADDRESS* Address)
uint32_t status = NAND_VALID_ADDRESS;
if(Address->Page == NAND_BLOCK_SIZE)
Address->Page = 0;
if(Address->Block == NAND_ZONE_SIZE)
Address->Block = 0;
if(Address->Zone == NAND_MAX_ZONE)
return (status);
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "fsmc_largenand.h"
#include "stm32_eval.h"
/* Enable the FSMC Clock */
/* FSMC Initialization */
/* NAND read ID command */
/* Verify the NAND ID */
if((NAND_ID.Maker_ID == NAND_ST_MakerID) && (NAND_ID.Device_ID == NAND_ST_DeviceID))
/* NAND memory address to write to */
WriteReadAddr.Zone = 0x00;
WriteReadAddr.Block = 0x01;
WriteReadAddr.Page = 0x02;
/* Erase the NAND first Block */
status = FSMC_NAND_EraseLargeBlock(WriteReadAddr);
WriteReadAddr.Page = 0x04;
/* Read back the written data */
status = FSMC_NAND_ReadLargePage (RxBuffer, WriteReadAddr, 1);
WriteReadAddr.Page = 0x06;
status = FSMC_NAND_ReadLargePage (RxBuffer, WriteReadAddr, 1/*PageNumber*/);
/* Write data to FSMC NAND memory */
/* Fill the buffer to send */
Fill_Buffer(TxBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE , 0x55);
WriteReadAddr.Page = 0x04;
status = FSMC_NAND_WriteLargePage(TxBuffer, WriteReadAddr, 1/*PageNumber*/);
WriteReadAddr.Page = 0x04;
/* Read back the written data */
status = FSMC_NAND_ReadLargePage (RxBuffer, WriteReadAddr, 1);
/* Verify the written data */
for(j = 0; j < 2048; j++)
if(TxBuffer[j] != RxBuffer[j])
}/* Read back the written data */
WriteReadAddr.Page = 0x06;
status = FSMC_NAND_WriteLargePage(TxBuffer, WriteReadAddr, 1/*PageNumber*/);
WriteReadAddr.Page = 0x06;
status = FSMC_NAND_ReadLargePage (RxBuffer, WriteReadAddr, 1/*PageNumber*/);
/* Verify the written data */
for(j = 0; j < 2048; j++)
if(TxBuffer[j] != RxBuffer[j])
//比较到1600个后就不正确啦. 有时多有时少.问题就在这里.....!!!!!!!!
if (WriteReadStatus == 0)
/* OK */
/* Turn on LED1 */
/* KO */
/* Turn on LED2 */
/* Turn on LED3 */
* @brief Configures the different system clocks.
* @param None
* @retval None
void RCC_Configuration(void)
/* Setup the microcontroller system. Initialize the Embedded Flash Inte**ce,
initialize the PLL and update the SystemFrequency variable. */
* Function name : Fill_Buffer
* @brief Fill the buffer
* @param pBuffer: pointer on the Buffer to fill
* @param BufferSize: size of the buffer to fill
* @param Offset: first value to fill on the Buffer
void Fill_Buffer(uint8_t *pBuffer, uint16_t BufferLenght, uint32_t Offset)
uint16_t IndexTmp = 0;
/* Put in global buffer same values */
for (IndexTmp = 0; IndexTmp < BufferLenght; IndexTmp++ )
pBuffer[IndexTmp] = IndexTmp + Offset;
* @brief Reports the name of the source file and the source line number
* where the assert_param error has occurred.
* @param file: pointer to the source file name
* @param line: assert_param error line source number
* @retval None
void assert_failed(uint8_t* file, uint32_t line)
/* User can add his own implementation to report the file name and line number,
ex: printf("Wrong parameters value: file %s on line %d\r\n", file, line) */