看M3的参考手册(128K FALSH),68页,APB1时钟经prescaler后直接给了TIM2,就成了TIMxCLK,然后转到270页看定时器框图,在左上角处时钟来源处写着TIMxCLK from RCC和Internal Clock(CK_INT),但是该处只画了一条线,然后后面的时钟来源时钟是CK_INT,~#~$!@%!@#%@^就再也看不懂了,prescaler到底是对谁的分频,要准确的计算T2的定时周期看到这就说啥也看不明白了,郁闷中~~##~¥~¥!·#%!
The timer clock frequencies are automatically fixed by hardware. There are two cases: 1. if the APB prescaler is 1, the timer clock frequencies are set to the same frequency as that of the APB domain to which the timers are connected. 2. otherwise, they are set to twice (x2) the frequency of the APB domain to which the timers are connected.