






[Parttime/Intern]IBM Intern Opportunity(Shanghai) [复制链接]

IBM Global Engineering Solutions (GES) China Division was formed jointly with China Research Lab in Oct. 2004, and moved to STG GCG Development in Dec. 2006. GES China Division is part of the WW STG organization. Our missions is to execute and support the STG hardware and services projects in local GCG and worldwide. We're also responsible to work with Sales and Clients to identify projects that provide significant client value, and to design and develop aggressive solution that can utilize WW IBM and partner skills to achieve business results.

Currently in Shanghai, we have following teams in GES China:
System Solutions
Component Solutions
Hardware Manufacturing

Here is a reference link: http://www-03.ibm.com/technology/

Intern information

1. USB camera driver developing (Full time required from Jul. to Sep.)

Location: Shanghai

Responsibilities: Development of USB camera filter driver in support of USB camera device.

Skills required:
1.) 1+ years of experience in Windows driver Programming and VC++.

2.) Rich experience with USB device driver development. Experience of developing drivers under DDK/WDK is a MUST, not require WinDriver or DriverStudio.

3.) Experience with power management for USB device during driver implementation.

4.) BS in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or related. Master's Degree or PhD's are highly preferred, but not required.

Nice to Have Skills:
1.) Direct driver experience with selective suspend feature for USB devices would be a HUGE PLUS.

2.) Experience with XP and Vista driver developing would be a HUGE PLUS.

3.) Experience with writing cross-platform compatible driver would be a PLUS.

If you are the right person we are looking for, please don't hesitate to send your resume to: ibm.intern.summer@gmail.com . Thanks!

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