World of WarCraft (build 7561)
Exe: E:\wow 在 dw (Dengwei) 上\WoW.exe
Time: Dec 28, 2007 2:52:16.101 PM
User: Administrator
Computer: 704BC5FC7AE8421
This application has encountered a critical error:
ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal Exception
Program: E:\wow 在 dw (Dengwei) 上\WoW.exe
Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 001B:0042E0AA
The instruction at "0x0042E0AA" referenced memory at "0x0DE2E4E8".
The memory could not be "read".
WoWBuild: 7561
x86 Registers
EAX=0DE1AC68 EBX=055BBDDC ECX=7FFDF000 EDX=00004E20 ESI=055BBC08
EDI=055BBDFC EBP=0012FD78 ESP=0012FD6C EIP=0042E0AA FLG=00010246
CS =001B DS =0023 ES =0023 SS =0023 FS =003B GS =0000
Stack Trace (Manual)