Support Platform:
1. Decompress all files from "AAEON-BSP ZIP file" to temp (temporary) directory in your HDD.
2. Double click "Setup.bat" file icon , install all drivers and BSP files.
3. Execute the Visual Studio 2005 and select Menu Item "File -> Open -> Project/Solution..." to Open "\WINCE600\OSDesigns\GENE_9310_PRJ\GENE_9310.sln".
4. From "Solution configurations" ComboBox, Choose active configuration (meaning Model Name).
5. From the "Build" Menu, choose "Rebuild GENE_9310" to build a new Windows CE image.
6. If you get error message, then please do once again ("Build -> Rebuild Solution").
7. Delete all Decompress files (Option).
Windows CE 6.0 R2
Release note:
This Windows CE BSP package release is version 600-20080325.
This BSP is Intel chipsets Based BSP and should be applicable to AAEON M/B(GENE-9310)