"one or more files from the emulator for windows CE installation is missing",我电脑上没装platform builders,有关系吗
To resolve this problem and to run Window CE 4.x Emulator, disable hardware-based DEP on your computer that is running Windows XP SP2. To do this, follow these steps:1. Click Start, click Run, type sysdm.cpl, and then click OK.
2. In the System Properties dialog box, click the Advanced tab.
3. Under Start and Recovery, click Settings.
4. In the Startup and Recovery dialog box, click Edit.
5. Disable PAE mode by removing the /pae option if it exists.
6. Remove the /noexecute option if it exists.
7. Add the /execute option.
8. On the File menu, click Save.
9. To exit Notepad, click Exit on the File menu.
10. To close System Properties, click OK two times.
11. Restart your computer.