






上海思科研发中心招聘 Cable STB engineer [复制链接]

思科中国研发中心(CRDC)需要招聘Cable STB senior software Developer 2名,tester 1名,field engineer 1名。这是一个新成立的部门,因为目前经济形势不好,在hiring freeze的大形势下,还批下了4个职位。这4个人招进来之后,会作为新部门的key person,届时美国会有expert提供几个月的training,location在上海。Job description 如下,有意者请在3月20日前将中英文简历发至 ciscostb@gmail.com

Job Title: Senior SW Development Engineer(2)
Working as a Senior Engineer for embedded/systems projects in the digital cable television domain. Responsible for analysis, coding and testing of the defined projects/products. Should be able to understand customer requirements and convert them into product specs.

*Minimum Years of Relevant Experience Required*
At least 4 years of total experience in Embedded SW development preferably in STB domain

*Minimum Required Education*
B.E/B.Tech , M.E/M.Tech preferably in electronics and communication or Computer Science from any recognized University

*Required Skills AND Minimum years of Experience for each*
Should have experience in any of the industry standard embedded OS: VxWorks, pSos etc.Development Experience in ST 20/OS20 platformis required.
Very good knowledge of C,C++ is a must.
Should have worked onmedium sized development projects. Should be able to learn fast Should and havevery good command over written and spoken English.

*Preferred Skills /Years*
Some understanding of any one of the configuration management tools is preferred. (CCM,VSS,CVS). Knowledge of design tools like Rational Rose Should have good documentation skills. Exposure to industry standard quality processes and procedures is a plus.Experience in telecom or broadband management systems is preferred.

*% Work Travel*:
40% travel in Asia Pacific region

Job Title: Senior Test Engineer (1)
Working as a QA Engineer for a large application in the domain of
cable TV. Responsible for product testing, systems testing and should be able adhere to company processes and procedures in Quality assurance. Should be able to
collaborate within the teams in India and USA. Should be able to interact with a large pool of developers and work in conjunction with team leads.

*Minimum Years of Relevant Experience Required*:
At least 4 years of experience in product experience and preferably one year in STB.

*Minimum Required Education*:
B.E/B.Tech preferably in electronics and communication or Computer Science from any recognized University. Certification or degree or diploma in QA and testing is preferred

*Required Skills AND Minimum years of Experience for each*:
Should have worked on both Embedded software and system software.Familiarity with QA practices, product testing of large systems. Good knowledge of scripting is required. Should be flexible to work in both Manual testing and systems testing roles. Should have experience in CR/Bug tracking systems. Good command over written and spoken English.

*Preferred Skills /Years*:
Some understanding of any one of the configuration management tools is preferred. Should have good documentation skills. Exposure to industry standard quality processes and procedures is a plus. Experience in telecom or broadband management systems is preferred.

*% Work Travel*:
20% travel in the Asia Pacific Region

Job Title: iCFET Field Engineer
Employee will be based in Shanghai with travel to customer sites in Asia.
They will be responsible for representing CISCO SPVTG with regards to installed subscriber equipment (set-top boxes, network components and DNCS system). They will liaison between first level support and CISCO engineering. They will diagnose field issues checking network conditions and taking debug logs to isolate problems. There will be some travel to the US to coordinate with other CISCO SPVTG employees. Frequent customer contact is required.

*Minimum Years of Relevant Experience Required*:
Senior position, 7-10 years telecommunications industry experience required. 2-3 years in CATV industry strongly preferred. Must know Consumer Electronics Devices(Mass Market) Must know DVB & MPEG. Must have some experience in management or program management.

*Minimum Required Education*:
B.E/B.Tech preferably in electronics and communication or Computer Science from any recognized University. Certification or degree or diploma in QA and testing is preferred

*Required Skills AND Minimum years of Experience for each:
Must poses good command of English, Mandarin and Cantonese.
They must be accomplished at communicating orally and in writing with the customer. They should be able to use common tools such as MS PowerPoint, MS Project and MS Excel. The candidate should be outgoing and get along well with different people. They will be responsible for maintaining action registers and error logs. They will be responsible to educate Customer employees on CISCO related issues such as install procedures.

This senior level position is an individual contributor role. It requires good teamwork across organizational boundaries. The position is highly matrix managed.

This individual is expected to have familiarity with consumer electronic equipment such as a set-top box. Specifically knowledge of DVB Television and MPEG audioand Video standards are required. They will have a working experience with RF signals, Digital networks, embedded software and digital design.

*% Work Travel*:
50% travel in the Asia Pacific Region


别思科不思科的,再大的公司干着也没啥意思,要么当公务员,要么自己干,其它都不是出路。www.01zg.com,专业的嵌入式交流平台!  详情 回复 发表于 2009-3-14 14:46
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