谢谢 91program 的回复。由于前几天用的 SHDoneButton 就在 里,所以我猜测 SH 开头的函数都在那里,可是找了,没有。。。
- //
- // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- //
- //
- // Use of this source code is subject to the terms of the Microsoft end-user
- // license agreement (EULA) under which you licensed this SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
- // If you did not accept the terms of the EULA, you are not authorized to use
- // this source code. For a copy of the EULA, please see the LICENSE.RTF on your
- // install media.
- //
- #ifndef _AYGSHELL_H_
- #define _AYGSHELL_H_
- // aygshell.h - exported functions from aygshell'
- #include
- #include
- //
- // Disable the navigation button bestowed by the Shell
- // (NOTE: this only works if WS_CAPTION is not set)
- //++++++
- //
- // SHEnumPropSheetHandlers
- //
- // this is the maximum number of extension pages that can be added
- // to a property sheet
- // For property sheet extension - enumerates the subkeys under the
- // class key hkey. For each handler, the class is instantiated,
- // queried for IShellPropSheetExt and AddPages is called. The
- // handle to the page is inserted in the array prghPropPages, and
- // the pointer to the IShellPropSheetExt is added to prgpispse
- // with one reference from the caller (these should be released
- // by the caller after PropertySheet() is called). These two arrays
- // should be allocated before calling SHEnumPropSheetHandlers.
- //
- // Typical usage of this function would be:
- //
- // - allocate an array of HPROPSHEETPAGEs for the standard pages plus
- // MAX_EXTENSION_PAGES extension pages
- // - fill a PROPSHEETPAGE struct and call CreatePropertySheetPage() on each
- // standard page
- // - store the HPROPSHEETPAGE for the standard pages at the beginning of
- // the array
- // - open a registry key where the app has defined ISV extension
- // - allocate an array of MAX_EXTENSION_PAGES IShellPropSheetExt interface
- // pointers
- // - call SHEnumPropSheetHandlers(), passing in the hkey, a pointer to the
- // first free HPROPSHEETPAGE array element, and a pointer to the array of
- // IShellPropSheetExt interface pointers
- // - call PropertySheet() to display the property sheet
- // - Release each interface pointer in the array of interface pointers
- // - free both arrays
- // SHEnumPropSheetHandlers assumes that prghPropPages and prgpispse have been
- // allocated with enough space for up to MAX_EXTENSION_PAGES elements. The
- // number of pages added is returned in *pcPages.
- BOOL SHEnumPropSheetHandlers(HKEY hkey, int *pcPages, HPROPSHEETPAGE *prghPropPages, IShellPropSheetExt **prgpispse);
- //
- // End SHEnumPropSheetHandlers
- //
- //------
- // used by SHCreateNewItem
- #undef INTERFACE
- #define INTERFACE INewMenuItemServer
- DECLARE_INTERFACE_(INewMenuItemServer, IUnknown)
- {
- // *** IUnknown methods ***
- STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE;
- STDMETHOD(CreateNewItem) (THIS_ HWND hwndParent) PURE;
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Input Context API
- //
- // These are definitions and APIs for the interacting with the input context
- // properties of individual windows
- //
- // {
- // Word correct Options
- {
- SHIC_FEATURE_CLASS = 0x00000004L
- };
- // Predefined input context classes
- #define SHIC_CLASS_EMAIL TEXT("email")
- #define SHIC_CLASS_URL TEXT("url")
- #define SHIC_CLASS_PHONE TEXT("phone")
- #define SHIC_CLASS_NAME TEXT("name")
- //@topic Input Context Features |
- // The input context API supports the following features and their corresponding values:
- //
- //@flag SHIC_FEATURE_RESTOREDEFAULT | Restore original input context state. (no corresponding value)
- //@flag SHIC_FEATURE_AUTOCORRECT | Turn auto-corrections on and off. (TRUE, FALSE)
- //@flag SHIC_FEATURE_AUTOCOMPLETE | Turn dictionary suggestions on and off. (TRUE, FALSE)
- //@flag SHIC_FEATURE_HAVETRAILER | Specify whether to append trailer characters after replacing words.
- // (TRUE, FALSE)
- //@flag SHIC_FEATURE_CLASS | Make this control behave like a specific semantic type.
- //
- //@comm All SHIC_FEATUREs are inherited from parent if undefined. That is, if they are not defined in
- // a window or the window's SHIC class, the API looks at the parent chain to find the setting
- // that applies to the window.
- //
- //@xref
- //
- //++++++
- //
- //@func HRESULT | SHSetInputContext | Changes the state of an input context feature
- //
- //@parm HWND | hwnd | IN - Window whose context will be set
- //@parm DWORD | dwFeature | IN - Input context feature to change
- //@parm const LPVOID | lpValue | IN - New value assigned to feature
- //
- //@rdesc Returns one of the following values:
- //@flag S_OK | If everything went well
- //@flag ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | if hwnd was NULL or lpValue was NULL for a feature
- // that does not support it, such as SHIC_FEATURE_AUTOCORRECT,
- //@flag ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED | If the feature specified was invalid
- //@flag ERROR_INVALID_DATA | If the specified value is not a legal option
- //
- //@xref
- //
- HRESULT SHSetInputContext( HWND hwnd, DWORD dwFeature, const LPVOID lpValue );
- //
- // End SHSetInputContext
- //
- //------
- //++++++
- //
- //@func HRESULT | SHGetInputContext | Retrieves current state of an input context feature
- //
- //@parm HWND | hwnd | IN - Window whose context will be retrieved
- //@parm DWORD | dwFeature | IN - Input context feature to retrieve
- //@parm LPVOID | lpValue | OUT - Buffer to hold current value of feature
- //@parm LPDWORD | pdwSize | IN/OUT - size of the buffer passed in to retrieve the value
- //
- //@rdesc Returns one of the following values:
- //@flag S_OK | If everything went well
- //@flag ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | If hwnd or lpdwSize passed were NULL
- //@flag ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED | If the feature specified was invalid
- //@flag ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER | If buffer passed is too small
- //
- //@comm Retrieves the current state/value of the specified
- // input context feature. If the value is not explicitly set, it
- // looks at the features set by the context class. If no class was
- // set explicitly, or the class didn't set that value, it returns
- // the default value for that feature, which would be the
- // currently active one.
- // If lpValue is NULL and lpdwSize is not NULL, it returns the
- // size of the buffer needed in lpdwSize.
- //
- //@xref
- //
- HRESULT SHGetInputContext( HWND hwnd, DWORD dwFeature, LPVOID lpValue, LPDWORD lpdwSize );
- //
- // End SHGetInputContext
- //
- //------
- // }
- //
- // end Input Context API
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #endif // _AYGSHELL_H_
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