本帖最后由 mars4zhu 于 2021-4-16 14:44 编辑
RSL10 Sensor Beacon-10.apk
RSL10 Sensor Beacon-10.apk
(2.01 MB, 下载次数: 33)
RSL10传感器信标应用程序允许监控连接到基于能量收集的RSL10开发平台的各种传感器。目前,该应用程序支持基于太阳能电池的RSL10传感器平台RSL10-SOLARSENS-GEVK(。 RSL10是业界功耗最低的蓝牙5认证多协议SoC(,是无电池,免维护,基于能量收集的物联网边缘节点的关键推动者。该平台具有各种传感器,包括温度,湿度,气压和3轴加速度计。传感器数据嵌入在蓝牙信标中,并定期发送到应用程序。数据显示为文本和线图,以便随时间显示数据。还可以导出数据以供进一步分析。
RSL10 FOTA-3.apk
RSL10 FOTA-3.apk
(2.47 MB, 下载次数: 33)
RSL10是安森美半导体的超低功耗多协议,Bluetooth®5认证,无线电片上系统(SoC)。 FOTA应用程序充当中央设备,用于扫描,连接固件映像并将其传输到远程RSL10设备。远程RSL10设备固件必须具有支持FOTA的固件才能接收FOTA固件映像。有关更多信息,请参阅。
- 扫描蓝牙低功耗设备需要设备位置权限。如果在启动应用程序时未授予权限,则无法找到蓝牙低功耗设备。
- 选择FOTA文件需要设备存储权限。
- 可以从“下载”文件夹中选择FOTA文件。该文件可以通过USB或电子邮件传输到设备。
RSL10 Mesh-2.apk
RSL10 Mesh-2.apk
(6.07 MB, 下载次数: 33)
A simple application to demonstrate Bluetooth Low Energy Mesh networking with ON Semiconductor RSL10. The application can provision, configure and control a Bluetooth Low Energy Mesh network of RSL10 devices. Supported mesh models include Generic OnOff, Light Lightness, Light HSL and Sensor.
RSL10 is an ultra-low power multi-protocol, Bluetooth® 5 certified, radio System on Chip (SoC) from ON Semiconductor. The Mesh application acts as a provisioner to easily deploy new RSL10 devices in a mesh network and automatically allocates unicast addresses for RSL10 Mesh devices with one or multiple elements. During configuration the application adds and binds application keys to nodes and models, and adds group addresses to the network, subscribes models to groups, and sets model publication addresses. Control can be of individual nodes or groups of nodes using Generic OnOff, Light Lightness and Light HSL (Hue, Saturation and Lightness) models.
For more information, see
- Device location permission is needed to scan for Bluetooth Low Energy devices.
RSL10 Sense and Control-5.apk
RSL10 Sense and Control-5.apk
(7.9 MB, 下载次数: 60)
RSL10 Sense and Control应用程序可以监视和控制连接到基于RSL10的开发平台的各种外围设备。 RSL10是业界最低功耗的Bluetooth 5认证多协议SoC(。该应用程序可以监控各种传感器(光线,接近度,触摸,温度,湿度,空气质量,3轴加速计,3轴陀螺仪,磁力计和基于RFID的无电池传感器)并控制执行器(开/关,亮度控制)用于LED灯,BLDC和步进电机的旋转方向和速度)连接到RSL10。