






micropython升级到v1.14 [复制链接]


今天micropython升级到v1.14。这次更新主要包括了新的rp2移植、BLE配对、绑定和l2cap API以及内部文档。

​MicroPython的从这个版本开始支持新的Raspberry Pi RP2040微控制器,这个移植是基于picosdk和MicroPython构建的,非常接近裸机模式。可编程IO是通过在状态机中使用 @rp2.asm_pio 修饰符执行内联汇编程序控制。

ubluetooth模块已经有了显著的改进、修复和添加。BLE事件在unix和stm32上是同步的,因此用户Python回调直接从BLE堆栈(从NimBLE)调用。这有助于新的配对和绑定API。还有一个新的l2cap API,用于在可扩展设备之间进行更快的原始数据传输。

在“开发和建设MicroPython”一章中增加了许多新的部分。介绍MicroPython的内部结构,包括有关MicroPython编译器的详细信息,以及如何移植到新的系统。这项文档工作是 Google's Season of Docs 2020 一部分。

本机emitter和内联汇编器现在完全支持ARMv6M,例如 Cortex-M0+CPU。还提供了unix、stm32和esp32用户C++模块的支持。现在可以通过在shell构建环境中设置SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH。qstr预处理脚本现在是并行进行的,以加快构建速度,而且新的 tools/ci.sh 脚本可以连续运行集成测试。

machine.I2C 和 machine.SPI类已被修改,因此它们不再有构建基于软件和硬件的外围实例。现在构造用 machine.SoftI2C 和 machine.SoftSPI 分为显式的软件类型和非软类型。相关的详细信息,请参见下文。



stm32端口改进了对WB 控制器的rf内核支持,包括flash 当BLE处于活动状态时锁定写入,以及用于自动更新FUS/WS固件的脚本。为电路板添加了新的挂钩以配置顶层系统在stm32 main中的行为,现在支持H7处理器上的以太网。Mboot现在允许签名和加密固件更新。


  • “sys”模块重命名为“usys”。未启用模块的移植必须将“import sys”替换为“import usys as sys”。
  • machine.I2C 和 machine.SPI 构造函数在使用基于软件的I2C和SPI的变化。在I2C/SPI外设的代码中,下面的方法需要更改,否则它们的使用将发出警告(最终将成为错误):
    • machine.I2C(-1, ...) -> machine.SoftI2C(...)
    • machine.I2C(scl=scl, sda=sda) -> machine.SoftI2C(scl=scl, sda=sda)
    • machine.SPI(-1, ...) -> machine.SoftSPI(...)
    • machine.SPI(sck=sck, mosi=mosi, miso=miso)
    • -> machine.SoftSPI(sck=sck, mosi=mosi, miso=miso)
  • 在ubluetooth中,BLE.irq()函数现在只有位置参数。
  • 在ubluetooth中,传递给BLE.irq()函数的参数以前是bytes对象,现在是memoryview对象。
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Main components

- rename "sys" module to "usys"
- rename absolute time-based functions to include "epoch"

py core:
- objfloat: fix handling of negative float to power of nan
- fix handling of NaN in certain pow implementations
- showbc: pass in an mp_print_t struct to all bytecode-print functions
- parse: pass in an mp_print_t to mp_parse_node_print
- dynruntime.h: add mp_import_* and mp_load/store_*
- objstr: make bytes(bytes_obj) return bytes_obj
- objarray.h: add mp_obj_memoryview_init() helper function
- makeversionhdr.py: match only git tags which look like versions
- parse: expose rule-name printing as MICROPY_DEBUG_PARSE_RULE_NAME
- objdict: add mp_const_empty_dict_obj, use it for mp_const_empty_map
- objtype: handle __dict__ attribute when type has no locals
- scope: name and use id_kind_type_t
- objexcept: compare mp_emergency_exception_buf_size signed
- use unsigned comparison of chars
- add explicit initializers for default values
- vmentrytable: ignore GCC -Woverride-init
- introduce and use MP_FALLTHROUGH macro
- makeqstrdefs.py: fix beaviour when scanning non-C preprocessed files
- makeqstrdefs.py: process C++ files as well
- mkrules.mk: add target for compiling C++ files
- makeqstrdefs.py: support preprocessing C++ files for QSTR generation
- workaround clang error when building misc.h with C++ compiler
- py.mk: support C++ code for user C modules
- mpz: do sign extension in mpz_as_bytes for negative values
- binary: fix sign extension setting wide integer on 32-bit archs
- mpprint: prevent case fall-through when assert is disabled
- mpprint: fix length calculation for strings with precision-modifier
- modmath: simplify handling of positional args to reduce code size
- mkrules.mk: remove stray vpath and unused -Itmp, add $(Q) for $(AR)
- objfun: support fun.__globals__ attribute
- asmthumb: add support for ARMv6M in native emitter
- emitnative: ensure encoding to load prelude_offset doesn't change sz
- emitinlinethumb: exclude code using #if when ARMV7M disabled
- emitnative: support binary ops on ARMv6M without use of ite instr
- qstr.h: remove QSTR_FROM_STR_STATIC macro
- gc: fix debug printing of pointer
- persistentcode: introduce MICROPY_PERSISTENT_CODE_SAVE_FILE option
- makeversionhdr: honor SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH if present

- modbluetooth: rename logging macro to be just DEBUG_printf
- modbluetooth: refactor stack/hci/driver/port bindings
- nimble: set struct alignment correctly on 64-bit arch
- nimble: make nimble_malloc work with allocated size
- nimble: implement NimBLE mutex
- modbluetooth: implement configuration of address modes
- modbluetooth: allow using mp_hal_get_mac as a static address
- btstack: add btstack support for _IRQ_GATTS_READ_REQUEST
- btstack: detect HCI UART init failure
- nimble: add timeout for HCI sync on startup
- modussl_axtls: reduce size of code that makes exception
- modbluetooth: fix handling of optional data/uuid args
- modbluetooth: make BLE.irq() method positional only
- modbluetooth: print UUIDs correctly
- modbluetooth: implement MTU
- vfs: fix lookup of entry in root dir so it fails correctly
- modbluetooth: change module-owned bytes objects to memoryview
- modure: allow \\ in re.sub replacements
- machine_i2c: rename type to SoftI2C and add custom print method
- machine_i2c: remove "id" arg in SoftI2C constructor
- machine_spi: remove "id" arg in SoftSPI constructor
- utime_mphal: add generic utime.time_ns() function
- add explicit initializers for default values
- disable -Wmissing-field-initializers for lfs2
- introduce and use MP_FALLTHROUGH macro
- vfs_lfs: support mounting LFS filesystems in read-only mode
- modurandom: support urandom.seed() without an argument
- btstack/btstack.mk: add -Wimplicit-fallthrough=0
- nimble/nimble.mk: add -Wno-old-style-declaration
- moductypes: fix storing to (U)INT64 arrays on 32-bit archs
- machine_mem: only allow integers in machine.memX subscript
- modbluetooth: make UUID type accessible outside modbluetooth.c
- modbluetooth: combine gattc-data-available callbacks into one
- nimble: poll startup directly rather than using NimBLE sem
- modbluetooth: re-instate optional no-ringbuf modbluetooth
- nimble: make stm32 and unix NimBLE ports use synchronous events
- machine_i2c: add init protocol method for generic I2C bindings
- modbluetooth: add API for L2CAP channels
- nimble/modbluetooth_nimble: fix build when l2cap unavailable
- uasyncio: delay calling Loop.call_exception_handler by 1 loop
- uasyncio: add Task.done() method
- uasyncio: fix cancellation handling of wait_for
- nimble: fail read if the characteristic is too big
- modbluetooth: add _IRQ_CONNECTION_UPDATE event
- modbluetooth: allow setting char/desc enc/auth options
- modbluetooth: allow user-specified reason in read request IRQ
- modbluetooth: add compile-config flag to enable pairing/bonding
- modbluetooth: add _IRQ_ENCRYPTION_UPDATE event
- modbluetooth: allow configuration of pairing/bonding parameters
- modbluetooth: add gap_pair(conn_handle) func to intiate pairing
- modbluetooth: add support for bonding (key persistence)
- modbluetooth: simplify synchronous invoke_irq_handler signature
- modbluetooth: add support for passkey authentication
- nimble: generate and persist a unique IRK
- modubinascii: update code, docs for hexlify now CPython has sep
- vfs: raise OSError(ENODEV) if mounting bdev without a filesystem
- nimble: reset NimBLE BSS in mp_bluetooth_init
- nimble: don't assert on save-IRK failure
- modbluetooth: add ble.hci_cmd(ogf, ocf, req, resp) function
- vfs: check block 0 and 1 when auto-detecting littlefs
- modframebuf: change int to unsigned int in format methods args
- modonewire: use pin_od_high/pin_od_low instead of pin_write
- nimble: improve the flow control for l2cap recv path

- libm: reduce size of static two_over_pi array
- utils/mpirq: add mp_irq_init func, and clean up unused init method
- utils/pyexec: add MICROPY_BOARD hooks before/after executing code
- utils/pyexec: add stdin-reader on raw REPL with flow control
- littlefs: update littlefs2 to v2.3.0
- littlefs: guard lfs2_mlist_isopen with LFS2_NO_ASSERT
- stm32lib: update library for WB v1.10.0
- libhydrogen: add new libhydrogen submodule
- timeutils: provide simple impl of extra funcs when Epoch is 1970
- pico-sdk: add new pico-sdk submodule, for the rp2 port
- utils/pyexec: remove obsolete LCD initialization
- pico-sdk: update to latest version v1.0.1

- memory/spiflash: add MICROPY_HW_SPIFLASH_ENABLE_CACHE option

- enable more warnings

Support components

- library/ubluetooth.rst: document BLE address modes
- library/ubluetooth.rst: clarify position/kw arguments
- library/ubluetooth.rst: clarify peripheral/central vs server/client
- library/ubluetooth.rst: add docs for MTU API
- develop: add notes on prerequisite tools for building native .mpy
- reference/packages.rst: fix typo, remove duplicate "port"
- update I2C and SPI docs to add reference to SoftI2C and SoftSPI
- library/btree.rst: correct method typo: __detitem__ to __delitem__
- library/machine.rst: correct minor typo: timout to timeout
- library/machine.Signal.rst: correct typo: usecases to use cases
- library/machine.Timer.rst: add mention of constructor arguments
- reference/glossary.rst: fix minor grammar error, An -> A
- fix reference to QSTR_GEN_CFLAGS Makefile flag
- develop/cmodules.rst: add link to source code for user C example
- library/ubluetooth.rst: add docs for L2CAP channels
- reference/repl.rst: add information about new raw-paste mode
- library/ubluetooth.rst: add _IRQ_CONNECTION_UDPATE docs
- library/ubluetooth.rst: update char/desc flags
- library/ubluetooth.rst: update read request IRQ docs
- library/ubluetooth.rst: add pairing/bonding config docs
- library/ubluetooth.rst: add gap_pair() docs
- library/ubluetooth.rst: add bonding docs
- library/ubluetooth.rst: add passkey docs
- develop: add MicroPython Internals chapter
- fix minor typos in RTC docs, and->an
- esp8266/quickref: add warning block about NeoPixel timing
- develop/natmod: fix a small typo, con->can
- update copyright year range to include 2021

- bluetooth: update to use positional-only args to irq()
- add example code for user C modules, both C and C++
- bluetooth: add bonding/passkey demo
- rp2: add pio_uart_rx.py example

- multi_bluetooth: update to new config('mac') behaviour
- multi_bluetooth: make ble_gap_connect robust against event timing
- multi_bluetooth: update UUID format in .exp files
- run-multitests.py: show test/truth diff
- multi_bluetooth/ble_mtu.py: add multitest for BLE MTU
- basics: enable == and != special-method tests now that they work
- run-tests: use -BS flags when running CPython
- thread/stress_schedule.py: assign globals before running test
- micropython/extreme_exc.py: unlink alloc'd lists earlier in chain
- run-multitests.py: fix diff order, show changes relative to truth
- multi_bluetooth: improve reliability of event waiting
- run-multitests.py: add a -p flag to run permutations of instances
- multi_bluetooth: change dict index-and-del to pop, to clear event
- multi_bluetooth: add a test for WB55 concurrent flash access
- multi_bluetooth: add L2CAP channels multi-test
- extmod: add vfs_posix.py test for uos.VfsPosix class
- run-tests: update skipped tests on CI for GitHub Actions
- multi_bluetooth: add multitests for BLE pairing and bonding
- misc/sys_settrace_features.py: ignore CPython zipimport traces
- extmod: add test to try and mount a block device directly
- misc/sys_settrace: make test output independent of invoked path
- misc/sys_settrace_features.py: fix running with non-dflt encoding
- extmod: add test for the precision of utime functions
- move native for test from pybnative to micropython
- extmod/utime_time_ns.py: relax bounds on time_ns measurement
- run-tests: change default Python command used on Windows

- mpy-tool.py: fix merge of multiple mpy files to POP_TOP correctly
- write msvc-compatible frozen content
- upip.py: support explicit port number in host
- makeqstrdefs.py: run qstr preprocessing in parallel
- ci.sh: add helper script to run CI tasks
- pyboard.py: add fast raw-paste mode
- ci.sh: put echo of CI path in a separate function
- ci.sh: use pip-install to get latest version of esptool.py
- ci.sh: pip install pyhy for stm32 builds
- ci.sh: for code size build, fetch history of master branch only
- ci.sh: for ci_code_size_setup, update apt to install gcc-multilib
- mpy-tool.py: list frozen modules in MICROPY_FROZEN_LIST_ITEM
- verifygitlog.py: add script for verifying commit message format
- makemanifest.py: add check that freeze path is a directory
- remove obsolete upip bootstrap script

- install setuptools for black code formatting
- update zephyr build to v2.4.0
- stop using Travis for CI
- workflows: add workflows for all CI tasks, builds and tests
- workflows: run unix and qemu-arm workflows when tests change
- workflows: fix code-size CI workflow
- workflows: add CI workflow for rp2 port
- workflows: add workflow to verify commit message format
- workflows/ports_unix.yml: add job for a reproducible build

The ports

all ports:
- add utime.gmtime() function
- add SoftI2C and SoftSPI to machine module where appropriate
- support legacy soft I2C/SPI construction via id=-1 arg
- use correct in/out endpoint size in TUD_CDC_DESCRIPTOR

cc3200 port:
- ftp: add quotes to PWD response and allow FEAT prior to login
- fix debug build

esp8266 port:
- remove release-specific manifest, disable osdebug by default
- mpconfigport.h: seed the urandom module on import
- remove "FAT" from warning message in inisetup.py
- modules/neopixel.py: add timing param to NeoPixel constructor

esp32 port:
- pin MicroPython and NimBLE tasks to core 0
- mpconfigport.h: remove duplicate uhashlib registration
- boards/sdkconfig.base: set default IDF log level to ERROR
- modnetwork: re-enable PPP support for IDF-SDK >=v4
- use path relative to root for netutils/timeutils headers
- mpconfigport.h: enable MICROPY_PY_DELATTR_SETATTR
- mpconfigport.h: seed the urandom module on import
- support building C++ code
- machine_pin: reset pin if init sets mode
- remove "FAT" from warning message in inisetup.py
- modnetwork: synchronize WiFi AUTH_xxx constants with IDF values

javascript port: no changes specific to this component/port

mimxrt port:
- boards: add MIMXRT1064_EVK board

minimal port: no changes specific to this component/port

nrf port:
- main: make mp_builtin_open signature match that in py/builtin.h
- remove unnecessary includes of mpconfigport.h and its header guard
- README: describe Pin numbering scheme for nRF52840
- boards: update memory.ld to include bootloader offsets
- Makefile: add bootloader specific section
- Makefile: add support for flashing with nrfutil
- boards: add linker script for nrf52840 Open Bootloader 1.2.0
- change selected boards to utilize pre-flashed bootloader
- README: add use of "make submodules" in alternative build paragraph

pic16bit port: no changes specific to this component/port

powerpc port: no changes specific to this component/port

qemu-arm port: no changes specific to this component/port

rp2 port:
- add new port to Raspberry Pi RP2 microcontroller
- machine_pin: change N_GPIOS to NUM_BANK0_GPIOS for pico-sdk compat
- memmap_mp.ld: update for latest SDK
- rp2_pio: add JMP PIN support for PIO
- modmachine: implement additional functions incl unique_id and idle

samd port: no changes specific to this component/port

stm32 port:
- uart: allow static IRQ handler registration
- modbluetooth_hci: use a static mp_irq_obj_t for BT HCI UART IRQ
- mpbthciport: increase char timeout of BT HCI UART
- make-stmconst.py: add support for WB55 header files
- rfcore: update rfcore.c to match how ST examples work
- boards/USBDONGLE_WB55: add USE_MBOOT support
- powerctrlboot: acquire HSEM5 on STM32WB during SystemClock_Config
- rfcore: fix length matching in HCI parser
- rfcore: refactor some helper funcs, and remove some magic numbers
- rfcore: enable RX IRQ on BLE IPCC channel for better performance
- boards/NUCLEO_WB55: add Python helper code for rfcore
- usb: don't nul pyb_hid_report_desc if MICROPY_HW_USB_HID disabled
- rtc.h: include py/obj.h to make header self contained
- servo: fix angle and speed methods to work again with -ve args
- led: support PWM output without TIM3
- rfcore: fix FUS layout and size of ipcc_device_info_table_t
- Makefile: allow boards to extend SRC_C, SRC_O and OBJ variables
- sdio: don't change any DMA2 settings on H7 MCUs
- sdcard: fix H7 build when using SDMMC2
- rfcore: add Python API for basic rfcore operations
- boards/NUCLEO_WB55: add standalone WB55 FUS/WS firmware updater
- rfcore: update to support WS=
- boards/NUCLEO_WB55/rfcore_firmware.py: fix flash unlock
- boards/NUCLEO_WB55/rfcore_firmware.py: fix bad variable name
- boards/NUCLEO_WB55/rfcore_firmware.py: increase GET_STATE timeout
- fix broken build when FAT FS multi-partition is disabled
- usbd_cdc_interface: check and handle CDC TX wrap-overflow
- machine_adc: fix ADC auto-calibration to run when ADC not enabled
- mpconfigport.h: seed the urandom module on import
- rng: use SysTick+RTC+unique-id to seed pRNG for MCUs without RNG
- boards: factor out common data/bss/heap/stack linker sections
- support C++ code and user C modules written in C++
- main: move update_reset_mode to outside the soft-reset loop
- add MICROPY_BOARD calls in various places in stm32_main
- boardctrl: define MICROPY_BOARD_EARLY_INIT alongside others
- Makefile: make the generation of `firmware.bin` explicit
- Makefile: allow boards to extend all SRC variables
- rtc: validate the RTC prescaler on boot and change if incorrect
- rfcore: make RX IRQ schedule the NimBLE handler
- flash: implement WB55 flash locking
- rfcore: don't send HCI ACL cmds while another is pending
- rfcore: depend on NimBLE only when BLE enabled
- modmachine: add device and revision ids to machine.info()
- Makefile: disable text compression in debug builds
- powerctrl: define RCC_SR_SFTRSTF flag for H747
- powerctrl: fix STOP mode voltage scaling on H7 REV V devices
- powerctrl: on H7, re-enable disabled OSCs/PLLs on exit from STOP
- powerctrl: disable RTC write protection before changing flags
- powerctrl: set H7 RTC wakeup flags
- powerctrl: ensure SysTick is disabled on STOP mode entry for H7
- i2c: factor I2C finding code to i2c_find_peripheral function
- add support for a board to reserve certain peripherals
- Makefile: change -O0 to -Og for DEBUG=1 builds
- boards/stm32h743.ld: enable D2 RAM and add eth-buffer section
- eth: add support for H7 processors
- boards/NUCLEO_H743ZI: enable ethernet peripheral
- mboot: enable LFS2_READONLY for mboot builds with littlefs
- usb: allocate 128 bytes to CDC data out EPs on non-multi-OTG MCUs
- pyb_can: add ability to calculate CAN bit timing from baudrate
- system_stm32: enable DBGMCU in low-power modes for debug builds
- sdram: add SDRAM enter/leave self-refresh mode functions
- adc: deselect VBAT after reading to prevent battery drain
- main: do extended readblocks call when auto-detecting littlefs
- boards/PYBD_SF2: disable SPIFLASH_ENABLE_CACHE for mboot builds
- mboot/gzstream: fix lost data decompressing final part of file
- mboot: add support for signed and encrypted firmware updates
- boards/NUCLEO_WB55: enable MBOOT with packing mode
- Makefile: use MBOOT_PACK_KEYS_FILE as depedency of .pack.dfu
- main: check block 0 and 1 when auto-detecting littlefs
- mboot: don't auto-detect littlefs block size
- mboot: add ELEM_TYPE_STATUS element so application can get status
- mboot: introduce MBOOT_ERRNO_xxx constants and use them
- mboot/fwupdate.py: refactor update_mpy with support for STATUS
- main: introduce MICROPY_HW_FLASH_MOUNT_AT_BOOT config option
- rfcore: fix flow control for IPCC RX IRQ
- fix minor typos in RTC docs, and->an
- usbd_cdc_interface: don't wait in usbd_cdc_tx_always if suspended
- mboot: change debug compiler optimisation from -O0 to -Og

teensy port:
- fix build errors and warnings and enable -Werror

unix port:
- Makefile: always enable -f*-sections regardless of DEBUG setting
- implement BLE H4 HCI UART for btstack/nimble
- implement mp_hal_time_ns using gettimeofday
- variants: enable MICROPY_DEBUG_PARSE_RULE_NAME on coverage build
- mpconfigport.h: enable MICROPY_PY_DELATTR_SETATTR
- enable more warnings
- support building C++ code
- Makefile: move coverage.c and coveragecpp.cpp to coverage variant
- handle pending events/scheduler in MICROPY_EVENT_POLL_HOOK
- make mp_hal_delay_ms run MICROPY_EVENT_POLL_HOOK
- modtime: fix time() precision on unix ports with non-double floats

windows port:
- msvc: support freezing modules
- Makefile: support freezing modules
- show test failures in the Appveyor builds
- update build instructions in README
- implement mp_hal_time_ns using gettimeofday
- msvc: use same default python command as core

zephyr port:
- replace zephyr integer types with C99 types
- const-ify struct device instance pointers
- update build instructions to v2.4.0
- replace broken shell_net_iface() with more general shell_exec()
- guard I2C code with appropriate ifdef config
- add basic UART functionality to machine module
- machine_uart: fix arg of machine_uart_ioctl to make it uintptr_t


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