我是用S3C2410 WINCE5.0,在开始菜单点击SUSPEND,系统没有挂起,也没有什么异样,从DEBUG信息版本到信息有如下输出:
0x8fae4868: Bailing on save bits because someone has an open DC!
0x8fae4868: OEMIoControl: Unsupported Code 0x10100f4 - device 0x0101 func 61
0x8fae4868: FS: Got Power notif 0x00000002
0x8fae4868: FSREG: Registry flush unnecessary
0x8fae4868: FSRAM: Flushing cached file data
0x8fae4868: Powering Off system:
0x8fae4868: Calling GWES power proc.
0x8fae4868: ++Ps2Keybd::KeybdPowerOff
0x8fae4868: --Ps2Keybd::KeybdPowerOff
0x8fae4868: Calling device manager power proc.
0x8fae4868: + CAN_PowerDown
0x8fae4868: - CAN_PowerDown
0x8fae4868: SMLoader Power down end...
0x8fae4868: Calling OEMPowerOff...
0x8fae4868: Back from OEMPowerOff
0x8fae4868: Calling device manager power proc.
0x8fae4868: INFO: WAVEDEV.DLL: SetI2SClockRate: Using processor frequency reported by the OAL (50750000).
0x8fae4868: Prescaler:2
0x8fae4868: + CAN_PowerUp
0x8fae4868: - CAN_PowerUp
0x8fae4868: Calling GWES power proc.
0x8fae4868: ++Ps2Keybd::KeybdPowerOn
0x8fae4868: --Ps2Keybd::KeybdPowerOn
0x8fae4868: Returning to normally scheduled programming.
0x8fd8cca4: PlatformResumeSystem: KernelIoControl() returned an invalid size -1
0x8fc02c2c: +CHub(Root tier 0)::HandleDetach
0x8fc02c2c: CHub(Root tier 0)::HandleDetach - status change thread closed in 2 ms
0x8fc02c2c: -CHub(Root tier 0)::HandleDetach
0x8fc02c2c: +CDevice::DeInitialize
0x8fc02c2c: -CDevice::DeInitialize
0x8fc02c2c: +COhcd::Initialize. Entry
0x8fc02c2c: +CDeviceGlobal::Initialize
0x8fae4868: FS: Got Power notif 0x00000001
0x8fc02c2c: USBD: DLL attach
0x8fc02c2c: +USBD:HcdAttach, hcd: 0x452B60
0x8fc02c2c: -CDevice::Initialize, success!
0x8fc02c2c: +CHW::Initialize base=0x330000, intr=0x11
0x8fc02c2c: -CHW::Initialize, success!
0x8fc02c2c: +CPipe::Initialize
0x8fc02c2c: -CPipe::Initialize. Success!
0x8fc02c2c: +CHW::EnterOperationalState
0x8fc02c2c: -CHW::EnterOperationalState
0x8fc02c2c: -COhcd::Initialize. Success!!
0x8fcd2680: ndisMResetCompleteStage2: Internal reset
0x8fcd2680: ndisMResetCompleteStage2: Internal reset
0x8fcd2680: ndisMResetCompleteStage2: Internal reset
0x8fae4868: Back from PowerOffSystem.
0x8faeb000: [NOTIFY] HandleSystemEvent 11 none
OEMIoControl: Unsupported Code 0x10100f4 - device 0x0101 func 61
SMLoader Power down end...
INFO: WAVEDEV.DLL: SetI2SClockRate: Using processor frequency reported by the OAL (50750000).
我在F:\WINCE500\PLATFORM\COMMON\SRC\ARM\SAMSUNG\S3C2410X\POWER\off.c OEMPowerOff()函数中添加提示信息也没有显示,好像是根本就没有调用这个函数,不知道问题出在哪里?平台中我已经添加了POWER MAGAGEMENT(FULL),请高人指点,谢谢!