Dr. Cendes, the founder of HFSS, is a nice man, I just had a little conversation with him a few minutes ago. Following is the resume of him and a short introduction of the origin of HFSS.
Dr. Zoltan Cendes is Founder and Chairman of Ansoft Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA. He also serves as Ansoft's Chief Technology Officer and is responsible for managing the company's research and development. In this role, he sets the overall direction of Ansoft's technology and products. Dr. Cendes has made significant contributions in the area of finite element modeling of electromagnetic devices. In particular, he solved the problem of spurious modes that prior to his work had made the application of finite element methods in electrical engineering impractical. He, along with his coworkers, developed new types of finite elements called tangential vector finite elements that eliminate the problem of spurious modes. He also introduced the Delaunay mesh generation algorithm and adaptive mesh refinement procedures to finite element analysis and the transfinite element method and model order reduction procedures to high-frequency electromagnetics. Cendes' original research in these areas made possible many of Ansoft's products including Maxwell? Spicelink?nbsp;and HFSS?
Prior to forming Ansoft in 1984, Dr. Cendes served six years with the General Electric Corporation, first in the Large Steam Turbine Generator Division and then in the Corporate Research and Development Center where he was responsible for developing finite element computer codes. In 1980, he was appointed Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at McGill University, Montreal, Canada. In 1982, he joined the faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, where he was Professor until 1996. Since that time he has been an adjunct Professor at Carnegie Mellon.
Dr. Cendes received his M.S and Doctoral degrees in Electrical Engineering from McGill University. He is a member of the MTT Technical Committee on CAD, is on the editorial board of the International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, and was recently appointed IEEE AP-S Distinguished Lecturer. Additionally, he has served on the International Steering Committee of the COMPUMAG Conference and is a past chairman of the IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation.