- --this is an add-subtraction alternate divider of the original code
- --output fraction
- --e.g. X=1.1001(-0.5625/-9),Y=0.1011(0.6875/11),Q=1.1101(-0.8125),F=(0.0078125),the MSB is sign bit;
- -- X must less than Y;
- library ieee;
- use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
- use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
- entity serial_divider is
- generic (
- x_bitwidth : integer := 5; --dividend bit width
- y_bitwidth : integer := 5; --divisor bit width
- q_bitwidth : integer := 5 --quotient bit width
- );
- port(
- n_rst,clk,en: in std_logic;
- X : in std_logic_vector(x_bitwidth-1 downto 0);--input dividend
- Y : in std_logic_vector(y_bitwidth-1 downto 0);--input divisor
- quotient : out std_logic_vector(q_bitwidth-1 downto 0)
- --X,Y,quotient,fraction are original codes
- );
- end serial_divider;
- architecture rtl of serial_divider is
- type m_state is(
- idle,
- clear, --clear all registers
- is_ov, --judge whether division overflows;
- comput, --comput division
- finish --output quotient,fraction,ov flag bit
- );
- signal cs,ns: m_state;
- signal clr,load,comput_en,comput_over,oe : std_logic;
- signal is_ov_en : std_logic;
- signal reg_x : std_logic_vector(x_bitwidth-2 downto 0);
- signal reg_y : std_logic_vector(y_bitwidth-2 downto 0);
- signal reg_yc : std_logic_vector(y_bitwidth-1 downto 0);
- signal q_MSB : std_logic;
- signal bit_cnt : integer range 0 to q_bitwidth-1;
- signal remain : std_logic_vector(x_bitwidth-1 downto 0);
- signal result_tmp : std_logic_vector(q_bitwidth-1 downto 0);
- begin
- --three segments FSM
- --timing sequence part of FSM
- process(clk,n_rst,en)
- begin
- if(n_rst='0')then
- cs<=idle;
- elsif(clk'event and clk='1')then
- if(en='1')then
- cs<=ns;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- --combination part of FSM
- process(cs,comput_over)
- begin
- case (cs) is
- when idle => ns<=clear;
- when clear => ns<=is_ov;
- when is_ov => ns<=comput;
- when comput => if(comput_over='1')then
- ns<=finish;
- else
- ns<=comput;
- end if;
- when finish => ns<=idle;
- when others => ns<=idle;
- end case;
- end process;
- --register output part of FSM
- process(clk)
- begin
- if(clk'event and clk='1')then
- case (ns) is
- when idle =>clr<='0';load<='0';comput_en<='0';is_ov_en<='0';oe<='0';
- when clear =>clr<='1';load<='1';comput_en<='0';is_ov_en<='0';oe<='0';
- when is_ov =>clr<='0';load<='0';comput_en<='0';is_ov_en<='1';oe<='0';
- when comput =>clr<='0';load<='0';comput_en<='1';is_ov_en<='0';oe<='0';
- when finish =>clr<='0';load<='0';comput_en<='0';is_ov_en<='0';oe<='1';
- when others =>clr<='0';load<='0';comput_en<='0';is_ov_en<='0';oe<='0';
- end case;
- end if;
- end process;
- --count times of computing
- process(clk)
- begin
- if(clk'event and clk='1')then
- if(clr='1')then
- bit_cnt <= 0;
- elsif(comput_en='1')then
- if(bit_cnt=q_bitwidth-1)then
- comput_over <= '1';
- bit_cnt <= 0;
- else
- comput_over <= '0';
- bit_cnt <= bit_cnt + 1;
- end if;
- else
- comput_over <= '0';
- bit_cnt <= 0;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- --judge quotient sign bit
- process(clk)
- begin
- if(clk'event and clk='1')then
- if(load='1')then
- q_MSB <= X(x_bitwidth-1) xor Y(y_bitwidth-1);
- reg_x <= X(x_bitwidth-2 downto 0);
- reg_y <= Y(y_bitwidth-2 downto 0);
- reg_yc <= not ('0' & Y(y_bitwidth-2 downto 0)) + 1;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- process(clk)
- begin
- if(clk'event and clk='1')then
- if(clr='1')then
- remain <= (others=>'0');
- result_tmp <= (others=>'0');
- elsif(is_ov_en='1' and comput_en='0')then
- remain <= reg_x + reg_yc;
- elsif(is_ov_en='0' and comput_en='1')then
- if(remain(x_bitwidth-1)='1')then
- remain <= (remain(x_bitwidth-2 downto 0) & '0') + reg_y;
- result_tmp <= result_tmp(q_bitwidth-2 downto 0) & '0';
- else
- remain <= (remain(x_bitwidth-2 downto 0) & '0') + reg_yc;
- result_tmp <= result_tmp(q_bitwidth-2 downto 0) & '1';
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- --output quotient,faction,ov flag bit
- process(n_rst,clk)
- begin
- if(n_rst='0')then
- quotient <= (others=>'0');
- elsif(clk'event and clk='1')then
- if(oe='1')then
- quotient <= q_MSB & result_tmp(q_bitwidth-1 downto 1);
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- end rtl;
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