我发现AT+GNC在好多 AT手册里找不到,难道是BenQ或什么特别modem独有的?
我琢磨出一个方案 (用AT+CREG命令):
+CREG: 2, 1, "187D", "A561"
+CREG: 1, "187D", "A112" (Below lines will be output although the cellphone at same place, maybe switching between different cells)
+CREG: 1, "187D", "A561"
+CREG: 1, "187D", "A112"
+CREG: 1, "187D", "A561"
+CREG: 1, "187D", "A112"
+CREG: 1, "187D", "A561"
0x187D = 6229, and that can be searched in area db (From Efem-1.0.mpkg, which is SW for MOTO Linux based cellphone)
460;00;6269;12338;11;上海 浦东 浦东 牡丹路399弄
460;00;6269;12355;11;上海 浦东新区 沪南路花木汽车站
460;00;6269;12369;11;上海 浦东 浦东 梅花路768弄18号
460;00;6269;28930;11;上海 浦东 浦东 浦建路、南泉路口
460;00;6269;32803;11;上海 浦东新区 世纪公园1号门
(By the way, I downloaded "efem-1.0.mpkg" but can not un-zip it, just rename to .rar, and un-zipped OK, then copy out the area db content in it using UltraEdit ascii mode)