• Account Name – Same as Login ID, User ID, or User Name. The name assigned to a
user on a UNIX/Linux system. Multiple users can be set up on a system with unique
account names, each with varying access (permission) levels. After Linux installation,
account names are assigned by the Superuser, or root operator.
• AfterStep – One of several user interfaces (window managers), AfterStep makes Linux
look and feel much like NeXTSTEP, with enhancements. For more on AfterStep, go to www.afterstep.org. (Also, see Enlightenment, GNOME, KDE, and X Window System.)
• Awk (Aho, Weinberger, and Kernighan) – A programming language useful for its patternmatching
syntax, and often used for data retrieval and data transformation. A GNU
version is called Gawk.
• APM (Advanced Power Management) – An industry standard for allowing the system
processor and various components to enter power-saving modes, including suspend,
sleep and off. APM software is especially important for mobile devices, because it saves
battery power.