






能源之星5.0浮出水面 [复制链接]

作者 PowerAnt

现在,能源之星5.0,以及能源之星4.0的第二级(Tier 2)正在制定当中,
可以预见的是,能源之星的后续版本将基本符合CSCI(Climate Savers Computing Initiative)在07年年底制定的的分步走的要求,已经获得台达、安森美等的支持。

In terms of energy-efficient computing, the standards set by the U.S. government’s groundbreaking Energy Starprogram are a step in the right direction. But the Climate Savers Computing Initiative believes that, together, we can exceed these minimum requirements. We’re asking manufacturers, businesses and individuals to join us by committing to more aggressive standards for energy efficiency.

The Initiative starts with the 2007 Energy Star4.0 requirements for desktops, laptops and workstation computers—including monitors—and gradually increases the efficiency requirements over the next four years. The Initiative’s standard for these machines, which took effect in July 2007, requires power supplies to be at least 80% efficient for most of their load range. It also puts limits on the energy used by devices when inactive, and requires systems to be shipped with power-management features enabled.

The program criteria also set minimum efficiency requirements for motherboards. In the first year of the program, participants will define a measurement protocol for measuring aggregate motherboard conversion efficiency and will set targets for years 2–4. (Motherboard efficiency includes DC-DC converters as well as resistive losses from motherboard interconnects.) We anticipate target efficiency levels for motherboards to start around 85% and to increase to over 90% by the end of the program.
In addition to efficiency specifications, the Initiative asks companies to utilize advanced power management features such as the "sleep" or "hibernate" settings on client PCs.
The initial power management policies require PCs to turn off the display after 15 minutes of inactivity, and put the system into "sleep" mode after 30 minutes of inactivity.
Efficiency requirements for PCs are as follows:
From July 2007 through June 2008, PCs must meet the Energy Star requirements. This means 80% minimum efficiency for the power supply unit (PSU) at 20%, 50% and 100% of rated output; a power factor of at least 0.9 at 100% of rated output; and meeting the maximum power requirements in standby, sleep and idle modes.
From July 2008 through June 2009, the standard increases to 85% minimum efficiency for the PSU at 50% of rated output (and 82% minimum efficiency at 20% and 100% of rated output).
From July 2009 through June 2010, the standard increases to 88% minimum efficiency for the PSU at 50% of rated output (and 85% minimum efficiency at 20% and 100% of rated output).
From July 2010 through June 2011, the standard increases to 90% minimum efficiency for the PSU at 50% of rated output (and 87% minimum efficiency at 20% and 100% of rated output).

In addition, the Initiative sets the following high-efficiency targets for volume servers (1U/2U single- and dual-socket servers):
From July 2007 through June 2008, volume servers must have 85% minimum efficiency for the PSU at 50% of rated output (and 81% minimum efficiency at 20% and 100% of rated output), and a power factor of at least 0.9 at 100% of rated output.
From July 2008 through June 2009, the standard increases to 89% minimum efficiency for the PSU at 50% of rated output (and 85% minimum efficiency at 20% and 100% of rated output).
From July 2009 through June 2010, the standard increases to 92% minimum efficiency for the PSU at 50% of rated output (and 88% minimum efficiency at 20% and 100% of rated output).  

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