Clock Face and Circuit
I had the idea of using LEDs to represent the position of the hands, although I've since learned that it's been implemented in larger clocks before, but I've yet to find an example this small. There are 133 surface mount LEDs on the front face, all hand-soldered: 60 for seconds, 60 for minutes, 12 for hours and one for charging status. The great challenge was fitting all the 0603 LEDs and mosfets on the front dial; obviously, surface mount components were a must. The PCB is 44mm across.
To reduce the pin count, each set of 60 LEDs is divided up into six banks of ten, selected by a mosfet. Long circular tracks run around the outside of the board, connecting one LED from each bank to a drive pin. Each hour pin is controlled invidually. Everything is controlled by a PIC 16F946 - an 8-bit micro with plenty of IO pins. The spiralling via pattern this produces is quite aesthetically pleasing.
The clock face itself includes hour marks and Roman numerals for reading the time, as well as pin number markers on the centre IC. The outer-most LED ring is red for seconds, the middle is blue for minutes and the inner-most is blue for hours - this is in line with the standard relative lengths of clock hands. Underneath the chip is stenciled a tiger eye (a subtle reference to my grandfather's long-time association with the Freemasons). The watch is watching you!
On the reverse side is room for all the power regulation, charging, programing, precision timing and IO hardware. The watch runs off a single-cell 110 mAh Lipo cell, recharged through a jack underneath the back cover. The bottom side also has pads for a Temperature Controlled Crystal Oscillator (TCXO) capable of 1 part per million timing precision, although this hasn't been tested yet. A cell-phone vibrator is attached to the inside back cover; every second the vibrator pulses, using the cover as a sounding board to produce an audible 'tick'. The vibrator also serves as an alarm buzzer.
The watch is controlled by an encoder and two switches. The encoder (from Alps - the tiniest I have ever seen) sits in the slot milled in the PCB, and connects to the stem via a hexagonal channel sized to fit its square end, milled by hand. When the crown is depressed, the stem slides through the encoder and pushes a rotating disc against a switch. A collet and grub-screw hold the stem in place. The second switch is positioned behind the time-set button, although it has not yet been implemented.
The microprocessor was programmed in C using the MikroC IDE for 8-bit PIC microprocessors. Unfortunately, I only have the demo version of this software, which has a 2KB code-size limit. By far the hardest part of this project was writing my code to fit within this limitation; almost without exception, though, it made my code better, more streamlined and more elegant. I can easily say it's made me a better coder.
Most of the time, the watch will be in standby mode, with the LEDs turned off to save power. When the crown is pressed to open the case the stem switch is also depressed, bringing the watch out of standby and into display mode. The LEDs will progress each second, and when a minute or hour is incremented, a the LEDs will light through 360 degrees to advance to the next position, producing a decorative swirl. After 15 seconds of display, the LEDs will turn off and the watch will go back into standby mode.
To set the time, the stem is depressed and held in for 3 seconds to enter programming mode. The second hand will then stop incrementing and be set to the 12 o'clock position. Twisting the crown will cause the minute and hour hands to increment or decrement. Pressing the button for another second will exit programming mode.
The pocketwatch also has an alarm function. The alarm is set by holding depressing the stem for 1.5 seconds, whereupon the LEDs will begin to blink. Setting the alarm is handled identically to setting the time. Entering alarm mode sets the alarm on; it will stay on until programming mode is entered, or until the alarm rings. When the alarm goes off, the vibrator inside will pulse in time with flashing LEDs displaying the time.
The LEDs are very bright at night - so much so that they can be dazzling when you turn the watch on. To avoid this, an optical sensor was placed on the front dial. In display mode, the sensor reads the ambient light level and dims the lights if it's too dark, or brightens them if it's light. This way, the display is comfortably readable even in complete darkness or direct sunlight.