Power in Watts expressed in dB
Power in Watts expressed in dB Power in Watts expressed in dB dB = 10 log (Pout/ Pin) where dB is the power expressed in Decibel Pout is the output power Pin is the input power in reference to 1 watt Power in Watts expressed in dBm dBm = 10 log (Pout/ Pin) where dB is the power expressed in Decibel Pout is the output power Pin is the input power in reference to 1 milliwatt dBd to dBi dBi = dBd + 2.15 where dBd is a unit to measure antenna gain in reference to a loss less half-wave dipole antenna dBi is a unit to measure antenna gain in reference to an isotropic or ideal antenna ERP to EIRP EIRP = ERP + 2.15 Where ERP is the Effective Radiated Power. It is the transmitted power with respect to a dipole antenna within a given geographic area. EIRP is the Effective Isotropic Radiated Power. It is the transmitted power from an isotropic antenna. dBW to dBm dBm = dBW + 30 where dBW is also dB in reference to watts dBW to dBK dBK = dBW ?30 where dBK is the power in reference to kilowatts