摘要:为解决大容量有源电力滤波器面临的大容量和开关频率之间的矛盾,本文介绍一种采用多重化主电路的大容量有源电力滤波器,给出系统的主电路结构和系统的控制方法。实验表明该系统有效地解决了有源电力滤波器容量与开关频率的矛盾,取得了满意的效果。 关键词:有源电力滤波器多重化谐波 Large Volume Active Power Filter Consisted of Multiple Main Circuit Abstract: It's a trouble that how to solve the contradiction between the volume and switch frequency in active power filter.In this paper,a large volume active power filter which main circuit consisted of multiple is introduced.The main structure of circuit and control method were presented.The experiment results show that good effects have obtained. Keywords:Active power filter Multiple Harmonics