REG_PORT_DIR0 |= _BV(19); // configure PA19(LED0) as output
REG_PORT_OUT0 |= _BV(19); // disable the LED0, set to high voltage (1)
REG_PORT_OUT0 &= ~_BV(19); // enable the LED0, set to low voltage (0)
REG_PORT_OUT0 |= _BV(19); // disable the LED0
REG_PORT_OUT0 |= _BV(28); // disable the PA28, set to high voltage (1)
//PORT->Group[0].PMUX[13].reg = 0x0;
// power manager
REG_PM_APBBMASK |= _BV(3); // enable CLK_PORT_APB, pp. 333
REG_PM_APBAMASK |= _BV(6); // enable CLK_EIC_APB, pp. 333
// the default GCLK0 (GCLK_MAIN) is used for IO
REG_GCLK_GENDIV = 0x100; // bit 31-0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000, do a 32-bit write with all configurations and the ID. pp.109
while( (REG_GCLK_STATUS & (_BV(7))) == 1 ); // bit 7: check Synchronization Busy Status. pp.100
// Bit 21: Enable Run in Standby, Bit 20: Disable Divide Selection, Bit 19: Disable Output, Bit 18: clear GCLK_IO to zero
// Bit 17: Improve Duty Cycle, Bit 16: Enable Generic Clock Generator, Bit 12-8: Select OSC8M, Bit 3-0: Select GCLKGEN0
REG_GCLK_GENCTRL = 0x00230600; // bit 31-0: 0000 0000 0010 0011 0000 0110 0000 0000. do a 32-bit write with all configurations and the ID. pp.105
while( (REG_GCLK_STATUS & (_BV(7))) == 1 ); // bit 7: check Synchronization Busy Status. pp.100
// bit 15: Disable Lock Write, Bit 14: Enable Clock, Bit 11-8: Choose GCLKGEN5, Bit 5-0: Choose GCLK_EIC
REG_GCLK_CLKCTRL = 0x4005; // bit 15-0: 0100 0000 0000 0101. do a 16-bit write with all configurations and the ID. pp.101
// EIC configuration registers
//REG_EIC_CTRL |= _BV(1); // enable EIC
//REG_EIC_CONFIG2 |= _BV(19); // bit 19 FILTEN28: enable filter of IO 28 pp. 348
//REG_EIC_CONFIG2 = (0x1 << 16); // bit 16 - 18; Input Sense 28 Configuration -- Rising-edge detection pp. 348
//REG_EIC_CONFIG2 = (0x3 << 16); // bit 16 - 18; Input Sense 4/pa28 Configuration -- both-edge detection pp. 348
// disable interrupt and clear interrupt flag
REG_EIC_INTENCLR |= _BV(8); // disable interrupt 8 (EXTINT8)
REG_EIC_INTFLAG &= ~_BV(8); // clear interrupt flag