Which is the physical state of a MOS transistor which is switched on?
²Strong inversion
Statement i): The small signal output resistance of a MOS transistor decreases with increasing bias current.
Statement ii): An Operating Point analysis (OP) is not requirement to determine the small signal AC gain of a circuit.
Which of the following is correct?
²Statement i) is true; Statement ii) is true.
²Statement i) is true; Statement ii) is false.
²Statement i) is false; Statement ii) is true.
²Statement i) is false; Statement ii) is false.
Statement (i) the output resistance of an ideal current source is expected to be very small (almost zero).
Statement (ii) An N-input CMOS encompasses N+2 transistors.
Which of the following is correct?
²Statement (i) is true & Statement (ii) is true
²Statement (i) is true & Statement (ii) is false
²Statement (i) is false & Statement (ii) is true
²Statement (i) is false & Statement (ii) is false