OpenThread on NXP(Freescale) Kinetis MKW41Z512 ExampleThe example platform drivers are intended to present the minimal code necessary to support OpenThread. As a result, the example platform drivers do not necessarily highlight the platform's full capabilities. ToolchainBuild Examples$ cd <path-to-openthread>$ ./bootstrap$ make -f examples/Makefile-kw41z
After a successful build, the elf files are found in /output/kw41z/bin. You can convert them to binfiles using arm-none-eabi-objcopy: $ arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary ot-cli-ftd ot-cli-ftd.bin
Flash BinariesRunning the examplePrepare two boards with the flashed CLI Example (as shown above). The CLI example uses UART connection. To view raw UART output, start a terminal emulator like PuTTY and connect to the used COM port with the following UART settings: - Baud rate: 115200
- 8 data bits
- 1 stop bit
- No parity
- No flow control
Open a terminal connection on the first board and start a new Thread network.
> panid 0xabcdDone> ifconfig upDone> thread startDone
- After a couple of seconds the node will become a Leader of the network.
> stateLeader
- Open a terminal connection on the second board and attach a node to the network.
> panid 0xabcdDone> ifconfig upDone> thread startDone
- After a couple of seconds the second node will attach and become a Child.
> stateChild
- List all IPv6 addresses of the first board.
> ipaddrfdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:fc00fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:9c00fdde:ad00:beef:0:4bcb:73a5:7c28:318efe80:0:0:0:5c91:c61:b67c:271c
- Choose one of them and send an ICMPv6 ping from the second board.
> ping fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:fc0016 bytes from fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:fc00: icmp_seq=1 hlim=64 time=8ms
For a list of all available commands, visit .
以上是KW41Z运行openthread的方法,参考platform/kw41z下面的readme文档即可 按照toolchain属于第一步,然后指定平台make即可,整个过程很简单,暂时就不拿板子跑了。 毕竟跑完了就没有然后了,这是个大问题,所以我们要思考学习什么,有个侧重点。