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上海KT人公司是中国最大最专业的IC电子人才咨询公司之一,多年来专注于IC与电子行业中高级人才服务,客户主要为欧美著名半导体公司(如TI、ADI、LSI、Cisco、Conexant等)和美资集成电路设计新公司共20多家,主要寻找IC设计、芯片制造、IC市场与销售、IC应用(硬件与底层嵌入式驱动软件开发)等人才。 现受某美资公司委托招聘RF相关人才: 该公司相关介绍: 该客户是美国中小公司中RFIC设计实力最强公司之一; 该客户有非常独特的资金优势!该公司的负责人同时是一个几十亿美金的VC的负责人!上市的可能性相当大! 该客户产品已经获得世界手机第一的公司的订单! 和在美国的资深工程师一起做项目,技术成长的好机会! 有相当大的出国培训出国工作的机会! 欢迎联系我们! 职位信息如下: RF Applications Engineer Job Description Design cellular phone reference designs for GSM/GPRS/EDGE , TD-SCDMA and WCDMA Responsible for full characterization and FTA of cellular phone module Responsible for RF performance tuning and debugging Responsible for customer support Responsible for management of vendors Minimum Requirements Five or more years experience in design cellular phone ref Expertise and understanding of system including RF and BB Experience in firmware development and bring-up of cellular phone modules Experience in bringing cellular phone designs to production Experience in FTA testing environment Experience in DigRF requirements of cellular phones Detailed knowledge of 3GPP specifications Knowledge of 3GPP requirements and module design Good communications skills BSEE required, MSEE preferred RF Design Engineer Job Description Work in Shanghai on CMOS RF designs Circuit design, analyses and simulations for CMOS RF circuits. Support of layout and backend checks. Chip testing and characterization. Minimum Requirements Two or more years in RFIC design for CMOS or BiCMOS analog and mixed-signal circuits. Experience with RF circuits such as LNA, VCO, Mixers, and Transmitters. Strong background in electromagnetics theory. Experience with Cadence EDA design and layout tools. Experience in lab debugging and chip characterization. BSEE required. MSEE or Ph.D EE preferred. RF and Analog Layout/Mask Designer Job Description ? Work in Shanghai on Analog Mask Layout ? Support RF and Analog IC layout in Cadence Virtuoso environment. Minimum Requirements ? Three or more years of experience in analog and RF layout/mask design. ? Must have experience Cadence Virtuoso layout editor ? Must have experience with LVS/DRC. ? BSEE required. 另有20多家IC电子公司的100多岗位,包括IC设计、硬件、嵌入式驱动软件等,欢迎浏览本公司网站查看:http://www.kthr.com; 欢迎留存简历,如合适我们会尽快联系你。 如有合适的同学、朋友,烦请推荐,不胜感谢! 人才服务原则:遵从人才意愿;对人才免费;为人才保密! Best regards! ****** Dolphin Shen Key-Team Human Resources Consulting Co.,Ltd Add: Room F2702, SECEC, No.86 CaoBao Road, Shanghai China MP: 15902132894 Tel: 021-61023600-29 Fax: 021-61023600-19 MSN:dolphin_srf@hotmial.com Email:dolphin-shen#kthr.com(发邮件时,请将"#"改为"@",谢谢) http://www.kthr.com KTHR----We focus on IC industry 欢迎人才打扰~!
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