Software is available on Windows, Linux and macOS (external links)
Step 1: Prepare the HardwareTo turn the board with the MSP430FR2633 MCU into a BoosterPack, we are going to use the holes the board provisions for the extended 40-pin BoosterPack. However, the MSP430FR2633 board only uses 20 pins, so we solder those 20 pins only.
The CapTIvate board rises an interrupt on pin 8 and sends the messages in bulk, through either the UART port (pins 3 and 4) or the I2C port (pins 9 and 10). This project uses the I2C port, so we remove the jumpers for UART, TXD/P1.4and RXD/P1.5. This frees the UART port on the LaunchPad (pins 3 and 4) for the serial console. Step 2: Configure the BoosterPack- Design the capacitive board
- Configure the MSP430FR2633
Configuring a capacitive board is very easy thanks to the automatic options, one for assigning the I/O and another for generating the code. Let's work with CapTIvate Design Center GUI: - Open the CapTIvate Design Center GUI
- Call the menu File > Project New to create a new project, name it,
- Drag and drop a controller and a button group from the tool bar to the working space
- Double click on the button group to open the Button Sensor Properties window