本帖最后由 caizhiwei 于 2015-10-26 09:06 编辑
1.Example Description
This example provides a description of how to configure LTDC peripheral to
display a BMP image of size 480x272 and format RGB888 (24 bits/pixel) on LCD using only one layer.
In this basic example the goal is to explain the different fields of the LTDC
At the beginning of the main program the HAL_Init() function is called to reset
all the peripherals, initialize the Flash interface and the systick.
Then the SystemClock_Config() function is used to configure the system
clock (SYSCLK) to run at 216 MHz.
After LCD initialization, the LCD layer 1 is configured to display an image
(modelled by an array) loaded directly from flash memory by LTDC integrated DMA.
2. LCD_TFT synchronous timings configuration :
Each LCD device has its specific synchronous timings values.
This example uses AM480272H3TMQW-T01H LCD (MB1046 B-01) and configures
the synchronous timings as following :
Horizontal Synchronization (Hsync) = 41
Horizontal Back Porch (HBP) = 13
Active Width = 480
Horizontal Front Porch (HFP) = 32
Vertical Synchronization (Vsync) = 10
Vertical Back Porch (VBP) = 2
Active Heigh = 272
Vertical Front Porch (VFP) = 2
LCD_TFT windowing configuration :
To configure the active display window, this example configures the
horizontal/vertical start and stop.
HorizontalStart = (Offset_X + Hsync + HBP);
HorizontalStop = (Offset_X + Hsync + HBP + Window_Width - 1);
VarticalStart = (Offset_Y + Vsync + VBP);
VerticalStop = (Offset_Y + Vsync + VBP + Window_Heigh - 1);
Window_width and Window_heigh should be in line with the image size to be
3.STM32 Discovery board's LED can be used to monitor the transfer status:
- LED1 is ON when there is an error in Init process.