晒WEBENCH设计的过程+LM5122Asynchronous BOOST Required: Inputvoltage: 10 – 15V; OutPutvoltage:35 ; MaxOutputCurrent: 5Amp; Ripple: ±5%; Ambient Temp: 85℃ Step1:
Step4:Power Efficiency Compare
Webench Result Actual Result
Step 5: the actual PCB Drawing
Step 6: Loop Analyzer
The LM5122 is a multiphase capable synchronous boost controller intendedfor high-efficiency synchronous boost regulatorapplications. The control method is based upon peak current mode control. Currentmode control provides inherent line feedforward, cycle-by-cycle currentlimiting and ease of loop compensation. For Cost Pressure,we hereimplemented asynchronous boost topology power supply, where the rectifierMOSFET was replaced by a Schottky Diode. That means the power efficiency wentworse than the synchronous boost topology.