GPIOPinConfigure(uint32_t ui32PinConfig) 这个函数涉及到了这个寄存器。。。。。。可是,可是,可是!!!!!!这个函数的参数该写什么啊???????找不到宏,有木有。。。。翻阅datasheet...。。。。。。。。发现在 1346页有这个表格:Table 23-5. GPIO Pins and Alternate Functions
还有前面有这么一句话 Further pin muxing options are provided through the GPIO Port Control (GPIOPCTL) register which
selects one of several peripheral functions for each GPIO. For information on the configuration
options, refer to Table 23-5 on page 1346.
Note: If any pin is to be used as an ADC input, the appropriate bit in the GPIOAMSEL register
must be set to disable the analog isolation circuit.