ADL6010 ---具有快速响应的0.5 GHz至 43.5 GHz包络检波器
ADL6010 ---具有快速响应的0.5 GHz至 43.5 GHz包络检波器
它的基带输出电压与射频的瞬时幅成比例。从0.5 GHz 至 43.5 GHz.它有很小的从RF到包络输出的环路漂移。
- Schottky diode detector with linearization
- Broadband 50 Ω input impedance
- Accurate response from 0.5 GHz to 43.5 GHz with minimal slope variation
- Input range of −30 dBm to +15 dBm, referred to 50 Ω
- Excellent temperature stability
- 2.1 V/VPEAK (output voltage per input peak voltage) slope at 10 GHz
- Fast envelope bandwidth: 40 MHz
- Fast output rise time: 4 ns
- Low power consumption: 1.6 mA at 5.0 V
- 2 mm × 2 mm, 6-lead LFCSP package