void LCD1602_initial( );
void Delay(unsigned int nDelay);
void delaynum(unsigned int d_time);
void wr_lcd(unsigned char dat_comm, unsigned int content);
void lcd_display(void);
void clrram();
PLL_Config myConfig = {
0, //IAI: the PLL locks using the same process that was underway
//before the idle mode was entered
1, //IOB: If the PLL indicates a break in the phase lock,
//it switches to its bypass mode and restarts the PLL phase-locking
12, //PLL multiply value; multiply 12 times
0 //Divide by 2 PLL divide value; it can be either PLL divide value
//(when PLL is enabled), or Bypass-mode divide value
//(PLL in bypass mode, if PLL multiply value is set to 1)
EMIF_Config emiffig = {
0x221, //EGCR : the MEMFREQ = 00,the clock for the memory is equal to cpu frequence
// the WPE = 0 ,forbiden the writing posting when we debug the EMIF
// the MEMCEN = 1,the memory clock is reflected on the CLKMEM pin
// the NOHOLD = 1,HOLD requests are not recognized by the EMIF
0xFFFF, //EMI_RST: any write to this register resets the EMIF state machine
0x1fff, //CE3_1: CE0 space control register 1
0x00ff, //CE3_2: CE0 space control register 2
0x00ff, //CE3_3: CE0 space control register 3
0x1fff, //CE1_1: CE0 space control register 1
// Asynchronous, 16Bit
0x00ff, //CE1_2: CE0 space control register 2
0x00ff, //CE1_3: CE0 space control register 3
0x1FFF, //CE2_1: CE0 space control register 1
// Asynchronous, 16Bit
0xFFFF, //CE2_2: CE0 space control register 2
0x00FF, //CE2_3: CE0 space control register 3
0x1fff, //CE3_1: CE0 space control register 1
0x00ff, //CE3_2: CE0 space control register 2
0x00ff, //CE3_3: CE0 space control register 3
0x2911, //SDC1: SDRAM control register 1
// TRC = 8
// SDSIZE = 0;SDWID = 0
// RFEN = 1
// TRCD = 2
// TRP = 2
0x0410, //SDPER : SDRAM period register
// 7ns *4096
0x07FF, //SDINIT: SDRAM initialization register
// any write to this register to init the all CE spaces,
// do it after hardware reset or power up the C55x device
0x0131 //SDC2: SDRAM control register 2
// SDACC = 0;
// TMRD = 01;
// TRAS = 0101;
// TACTV2ACTV = 0001;
* End of UART.c