我想把TI给的传感器实验和灯控制实验结合在一起,终端上有温度传感器和小灯,协调器上有按键作为开关,终端请求绑定成功后,周期性给协调器发送温度数据再通过串口显示在串口助手上,现在我想通过串口助手发个命令给协调器,协调器再发命令给终端实现小灯控制,但是终端始终收不到协调器发的数据,协调器发数据的时候目的地址我设的也是0xFFFE,现在确定协调器收到串口的数据了,然后调用zb_SendDataRequest( 0xFFFE, LIGHT_CONTROL_CMD_ID, len, str, 0, AF_MSG_ACK_REQUEST, 0 );
void zb_SendDataRequest ( uint16 destination, uint16 commandId, uint8 len,
uint8 *pData, uint8 handle, uint8 txOptions, uint8 radius )
afStatus_t status;
afAddrType_t dstAddr;
txOptions |= AF_DISCV_ROUTE;
// Set the destination address
if (destination == ZB_BINDING_ADDR)
// Binding
dstAddr.addrMode = afAddrNotPresent;
// Use short address
dstAddr.addr.shortAddr = destination;
dstAddr.addrMode = afAddr16Bit;
if ( ADDR_NOT_BCAST != NLME_IsAddressBroadcast( destination ) )
txOptions &= ~AF_ACK_REQUEST;
dstAddr.panId = 0; // Not an inter-pan message.
dstAddr.endPoint = sapi_epDesc.simpleDesc->EndPoint; // Set the endpoint.
// Send the message
status = AF_DataRequest(&dstAddr, &sapi_epDesc, commandId, len,
pData, &handle, txOptions, radius);
if (status != afStatus_SUCCESS)
SAPI_SendCback( SAPICB_DATA_CNF, status, handle );