user guide 中文版用户指南向导 006 翻译slau144i
9.2.2 SVS Comparator Operation .比较器 操作 . ................................ 345 9.2.3 Changing the VLDx Bits ............. ...................................... 345 9.2.4 SVS Operating Range .经营范围 ................................... 346 9.3 SVS Registers .向量寄存器 ............ ........ 347 9.3.1 SVSCTL, SVS Control Register ............. ............................. 348 10 Watchdog Timer+ (WDT+) .看门狗定时器 ............................................. 349 10.1 Watchdog Timer+ (WDT+) Introduction ............. ............................. 350 10.2 Watchdog Timer+ Operation ............. ......................................... 352 10.2.1 Watchdog Timer+ Counter .定时器和计数器 ............................ 352 10.2.2 Watchdog Mode ............. .............................................. 352 10.2.3 Interval Timer Mode ............. ......................................... 352 10.2.4 Watchdog Timer+ Interrupts ............. ................................ 352 10.2.5 Watchdog Timer+ Clock Fail-Safe Operation 看门狗定时器时钟故障安全操作 ............. ............ 353 10.2.6 Operation in Low-Power Modes ............. ........................... 353 10.2.7 Software Examples ....软件的例子. .................................. 353 10.3 Watchdog Timer+ Registers ............. .......................................... 354 10.3.1 WDTCTL, Watchdog Timer+ Register ............. .................... 355 10.3.2 IE1, Interrupt Enable Register 1 ..中断使能寄存器 ................... 356 10.3.3 IFG1, Interrupt Flag Register 1 ...中断标志寄存器 ............. 356 11 Hardware Multiplier 硬件乘法器 ........ ...... 357 11.1 Hardware Multiplier Introduction ............. ..................................... 358 11.2 Hardware Multiplier Operation ............. ........................................ 358 11.2.1 Operand Registers ..操作数寄存器 ................................... 359 11.2.2 Result Registers .....结果寄存器 返回................................. 359 11.2.3 Software Examples ............. .......................................... 360 11.2.4 Indirect Addressing of RESLO .间接寻址 ......................... 361 11.2.5 Using Interrupts ............. .............................................. 361 11.3 Hardware Multiplier Registers ......寄存器 ........................................ 362 12 Timer_A ............. ............. ...................... 363 12.1 Timer_A Introduction ............. ............. 364 12.2 Timer_A Operation ............. ............. ... 365 12.2.1 16-Bit Timer Counter .....16位定时器计数器 .......................... 365 12.2.2 Starting the Timer ............. ............................................ 366 12.2.3 Timer Mode Control ............. ......................................... 366 12.2.4 Capture/Compare Blocks 捕获/比较块 ............................. 370 12.2.5 Output Unit ..输出单元 ........... ............. .. 371 12.2.6 Timer_A Interrupts ......中断 ....... ........................................... 375 12.3 Timer_A Registers ............. ............. ... 377 12.3.1 TACTL, Timer_A Control Register ............. ......................... 378 12.3.2 TAR, Timer_A Register ............. ..................................... 379 12.3.3 TACCRx, Timer_A Capture/Compare Register x ..... 捕获/比较寄存器 ....... 379 12.3.4 TACCTLx, Capture/Compare Control Register ...控制.. ... .......... 380 12.3.5 TAIV, Timer_A Interrupt Vector Register .......中断向量寄存器 .......... 381 13 Timer_B ............. ............. ...................... 383 13.1 Timer_B Introduction ............. ............. 384 13.1.1 Similarities and Differences From Timer_A ............. .............. 384 13.2 Timer_B Operation ............. ............. ... 386 13.2.1 16-Bit Timer Counter ............. ........................................ 386 13.2.2 Starting the Timer ............. ............................................ 386 13.2.3 Timer Mode Control ............. ......................................... 386 13.2.4 Capture/Compare Blocks ............. ................................... 390 13.2.5 Output Unit ............. ............. .. 393
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