library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; entity ad_hgq is port( d :in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);---AD输入; clk,eoc :in std_logic; ---eoc:转换结束状态信号; oe : buffer std_logic; ale,start:out std_logic; ---ale:允许地址锁存; q :buffer std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); OneUSCLK : inout std_logic ); ---转换数据输出显示; end ad_hgq; architecture behaviour of ad_hgq is type state is (st0,st1,st2,st3,st4,st5,st6,st7); ---以枚举类型定义各状态子类型; signal current_state,next_state :state:=st0; signal regl :std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal lock :std_logic; ---转换后数据输出锁存时钟信号; signal hex :std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal clkCount: std_logic_vector (6 downto 0); begin process(current_state,eoc) begin case current_state is when st0=> ale<='0';start<='0';oe<='0';lock<='0'; next_state<=st1; ---初始态ST0向下一状态ST1转换,0809采样控制信号初始化; when st1=> ale<='1';start<='0';oe<='0';lock<='0'; next_state<=st2; ---由ALE的上升沿将通道地址'001'锁入0809的地址寄存器; when st2=> ale<='1';start<='1';oe<='0';lock<='0'; next_state<=st3; ---启动采样信号; when st3=> ale<='0';start<='1';oe<='0';lock<='0'; if(eoc='0') then next_state<=st4; ---转换即将结束,转换至下一状态; else next_state<=st3; ---转换未结束,继续在状态ST3中等待; end if; when st4=> ale<='0';start<='0';oe<='0';lock<='0'; if(eoc='1') then next_state<=st5; ---EOC由0恢复1,转换结束; else next_state<=st4; ---转换未结束,等待; end if; when st5=> ale<='0';start<='0';oe<='1';lock<='0'; next_state<=st6; --开启输出允许OE; when st6=> ale<='0';start<='0';oe<='1';lock<='1'; next_state<=st7; --开启数据锁存LOCK; when st7=> ale<='0';start<='0';oe<='0';lock<='1'; next_state<=st0; when others=>next_state<=st0; ---其它状态返回ST0; end case; end process; process (CLK) begin if (CLK = '1' and CLK'event) then if(clkCount = "1100011") then clkCount <= "0000000"; oneUSClk <= not oneUSClk; else clkCount <= clkCount + 1; end if; end if; end process; process(oneUSClk) begin if(oneUSClk'event and oneUSClk='1') then current_state<=next_state; end if; ---在时钟上升沿,转换至下一状态; end process ; ---由信号current_state将当前状态带出进程,进入下一进程; process(lock) begin if (lock='1'and lock'event) then regl<=d; end if; --在lock上升沿,将转换好的数据锁存入8位锁存器中; end process; q<=regl; ---数据输出; process(oneUSClk) begin if( oneUSClk'event and oneUSClk ='1') then if oe='1' then hex<=q; ---将数据送给hex; end if; end if; end process; end behaviour;