There is an undefined condition if the arbitration procedure is still in progress at the moment when one master sends a repeated START or a STOP condition while the other master is still sending data. In other words, the following combinations result in an undefined condition: • Master 1 sends a repeated START condition and master 2 sends a data bit. • Master 1 sends a STOP condition and master 2 sends a data bit. • Master 1 sends a repeated START condition and master 2 sends a STOP condition.
本人需要写FPGA的IP core,但是i2c协议又没有对这种情况的出现做出具体的解决方案,该怎么处理呢。不同主机发送的重复起始位,数据位,停止位,同时出现在总线上到底该如何处理呢,求解啊~~~~~~~~~我快郁闷了一个月了。
[ 本帖最后由 coolzc 于 2012-1-8 20:37 编辑 ]