11-10 FREE CPU-Timer Emulation Modes: These bits are special emulation bits that determine the
SOFT state of the timer when a breakpoint is encountered in the high-level language
debugger. If the FREE bit is set to 1, then, upon a software breakpoint, the timer
continues to run (that is, free runs). In this case, SOFT is a don't care. But if FREE is 0,
then SOFT takes effect. In this case, if SOFT = 0, the timer halts the next time the
TIMH:TIM decrements. If the SOFT bit is 1, then the timer halts when the TIMH:TIM
has decremented to zero.
FREE SOFT CPU-Timer Emulation Mode
0 0 Stop after the next decrement of the TIMH:TIM (hard stop)
0 1 Stop after the TIMH:TIM decrements to 0 (soft stop)
1 0 Free run
1 1 Free run
In the SOFT STOP mode, the timer generates an interrupt before shutting down (since
reaching 0 is the interrupt causing condition). |