CBitmap cbmap; cbmap.Attach(hbitmap);
BYTE* bmpBuffer=(BYTE*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, bmap.bmWidthBytes*bmap.bmHeight); DWORD dwValue=cbmap.GetBitmapBits(bmap.bmWidthBytes*bmap.bmHeight,bmpBuffer);
_CE_ACTIVEX was not defined because this Windows CE SDK does not have DCOM. 1> _CE_ACTIVEX could be caused to be defined by defining _CE_ALLOW_SINGLE_THREADED_OBJECTS_IN_MTA, but it is recommended that this be done only for single-threaded apps. 1>_ATL_NO_HOSTING was defined because _CE_ACTIVEX was not defined. 1>.\usestatic.cpp(106) : error C2039: 'GetBitmapBits' : is not a member of 'CBitmap' 1> D:\Visual Studio\VC\ce\atlmfc\include\afxwin.h(408) : see declaration of 'CBitmap'