我的代码如下:,不知道为什么,用软件simulate都不行, 执行到main的 os_sys_init (task1)后就不行了,进入不了任何task的断点;
编译没有问题,Option选项选择了RTX 内核了。不知道是哪设置的问题?代码是改自官方timer interval例子,别人用的LPC2300,我用8962试试,玩不转!!!求救
#include <LM3Sxxx.H> #define LED_BASE GPIO_PORTF_BASE #define LED GPIO_PIN_0 #include <RTL.h> /* RTX kernel functions & defines */
/* id1, id2 will contain task identifications at run-time */ void task1 (void) ; // Tsk function prototypes void task2 (void) ; void task3 (void) ; OS_TID tsk1,tsk2,tsk3; // Define the task ID variables
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Task 1: RTX Kernel starts this task with os_sys_init (task1) *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void LED_Init(void) { /* Obtain own system task identification number */ SysCtlClockSet(SYSCTL_SYSDIV_1|SYSCTL_USE_OSC|SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN| SYSCTL_XTAL_8MHZ); SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOF); GPIOPadConfigSet(LED_BASE,LED,GPIO_STRENGTH_2MA,GPIO_PIN_TYPE_STD_WPU); GPIOPinTypeGPIOOutput(LED_BASE,LED); GPIOPinWrite(LED_BASE, LED, 1); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Main: Initialize and start RTX Kernel *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
__task void task1 (void) //Define the function as an RTX task { os_itv_set (25); //set an interval of 250 Msec tsk2 = os_tsk_create(task2,0x10); //Create the second task and assign its priority os_itv_wait (); //halt the task for 250 Msec tsk3 = os_tsk_create(task3,0x10); //Create the second task and assign its priority os_tsk_delete_self(); }
__task void task2 (void) //Define the function as an RTX task { os_itv_set (50); //Set an interval period of 500 Msec
while(1) { os_itv_wait (); //Wait for the interval period GPIOPinWrite(LED_BASE, LED, 1); } }
__task void task3 (void) { os_itv_set (50); //Set an interval period of 500 Msec while(1) { os_itv_wait (); //Wait for the interval period GPIOPinWrite(LED_BASE, LED, 0); //Blink the low nibble LED's } }
int main (void) { LED_Init(); os_sys_init (task1); }