ADS1.2编译 错误提示implicit cast of pointer to non-equal pointer
#define GSM_G
// System Head File
#include <stdarg.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h>
// User Head File #include "option.h" #include "2440addr.h" #include "def.h"
//#include "mainfile.h" #include "serial.h" #include "GSM.h"
void SendMessage1(uchar *buf) {
uchar mess_buf_in_end = 0;
// 发送AT指令 void ATCommand(uchar *mess, uchar flag) { mess_buf_in_end = 0; Uart1.pIn = 0; SendMessage1(mess); // 串口发送数据 if(flag) SendMessage1("\r\n"); }
// 等待GSM数据 char WaitMessageBack(uchar *mess, uchar n) { for(;;) { if(mess_buf_in_end == 1) { mess_buf_in_end = 0; if(!strncmp(Uart1.buf, mess, n)) { return TRUE; } } } }
// 接收AT指令数据 void Receive_Mess(uchar ch) { switch (ch) { case 0x0d: //行结束符
Uart1.buf[Uart1.pIn] = '\0'; Uart1.pIn = 0; mess_buf_in_end = 1;
break; case 0x0a: //不予理睬 break; default: Uart1.buf[Uart1.pIn++] = ch ; if(Uart1.pIn >= 0xff) Uart1.pIn = 0xff; break; } }
// 初始化短信息 void SMSInit(void) { ATCommand("ATE0",1); // 关闭回显 WaitMessageBack("OK",2); ATCommand("AT+CCID",1); // 查看SIM 卡 Delay(3000) ; ATCommand("AT+CSCA=\"+8613800200500\"",1); // 设置在广州地区的服务中心号码 WaitMessageBack("OK",2); ATCommand("AT+CMGF=1",1); // 设置为文本方式 WaitMessageBack("OK",2); ATCommand("AT+CNMI=2,1,0,0,0",1); WaitMessageBack("OK",2); }
// 发英文短信 // number 为手机号码 // mess 为短信内容 void SendSMS(uchar *number, uchar *mess) { uchar buf[2]={0x1A, 0x00}; ATCommand("AT+CMGS=\"", 0); ATCommand(number, 0); ATCommand("\"", 1); Delay(3000) ; ATCommand(mess, 0); ATCommand(buf, 0); WaitMessageBack("+CMGS",5); }