ERROR:Pack:1107 - Unable to combine the following symbols into a single IOB[复制链接]
大家好,最近我在写一个数据储存的VHDL代码,当我再给一个时钟管脚分配位置时,出现如下错误,弄了好半天也没弄明白,希望路过的高手能指点指点,谢谢啦!!! ERROR:Pack:1107 - Unable to combine the following symbols into a single IOB component: PAD symbol "fosc_j" (Pad Signal = fosc_j) BUF symbol "fosc_j_IBUF" (Output Signal = fosc_j_IBUF) Each of the following constraints specifies an illegal physical site for a component of type IOB: Symbol "fosc_j" (LOC=P15) Please correct the constraints accordingly.