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本帖最后由 dontium 于 2015-1-23 13:40 编辑

Linear Launches New Timing Solutions Family

TimerBlox family of SOT23 devices enables simple timing solutions

Another master-stroke from Linear Technology, has been delivered with the launch of Linear’s TimerBlox? family, a set of simple, small, accurate and low power devices for five monly used timing functions: Voltage-controlled oscillator, low frequency oscillator, pulse width modulated oscillator, monostable pulse generator (one-shot) and delay. 

TimerBlox? family:  Simple, accurate & small timing solutions

Background and Overview

Clock signals are required by virtually every digital circuit and are used for synchronization, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion, switching regulation, signal-generation and timing.  For signal generation and timing functions, fixed frequency clock signals can be modified to provide very useful functions in electronics.  Here are some examples:

By modulating the width of a clock signal (how much time it is high vs. low), the resulting signal carries information.  This signal can be used to control a device, such as the power delivered to an LED (less power with narrow width, more power with more width).

Similarly, by modulating the frequency of the clock signal, information can also be carried by the resulting signal (e.g., FM radio). 

By bining a clock signal with digital logic (such as a counter), various timing functions can be created.  Examples include a creating a single pulse that remains “ON” or “OFF” for a specific time, or is delayed by a specific time.

Very low frequency clock signal:  Since accurate, very low frequency clocks are not readily available, designers are often required to create low frequency clocks by dividing-down monly available high frequency clocks.  Low frequency clocks can be used to enable devices very infrequently, such as once a day, week, month, etc.

TimerBlox applications examples

As a family, the TimerBlox parts provide a precision, easy-to-use solution; these parts offer a single mon platform and allow the use of precise building block solutions for each function. 

TimerBlox family

TimerBlox? Family

Despite their similarities, each timing function requires a unique bination of electronics, such as oscillators, parators, flip flops, counters, inverters and more.  By leveraging silicon oscillator technology, Linear Technology has created a family of devices (TimerBlox family) that bine all of the necessary elements for each major timing function.  The TimerBlox parts eliminate the need to configure or program multiple ponents.  Instead, the TimerBlox parts offer easy-to-configure, low part count, small, accurate and low power solutions.  The TimerBlox family consists of 5 basic functions and a total of 12 options; each part addresses a specific function, ensuring simplicity and versatility.

Leveraging Linear’s advanced silicon oscillator technology, TimerBlox parts bine an accurate, programmable oscillator with precision circuitry and logic.  Like all Linear Technology silicon oscillators, TimerBlox devices are solid state and can be operated under high acceleration, vibration and temperature extremes. 

Simplicity and ease of use

There may be many circuits capable of creating timing functions, but few with the simplicity and ease-of-use of TimerBlox parts.  All TimerBlox data sheets provide simple step-by-step set-up instructions.  All TimerBlox parts have a similar topology:  3 resistors set the frequency or time.  An optional resistor can be used for analog modulation, and depending on the part, 1 additional input is provided for the trigger, enable or control signal. 



有用的东西,可惜英语水平太低  详情 回复 发表于 2010-8-12 16:54
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