






驱动开发救急 [复制链接]

Tel: 021-63503099*807 E-mail: annie.zhou@echocc.com

Job title: Snr Software Engineer –Project Leader

Responsibilities: To be part of the software team, be responsible for some of the activities below: (The precise definition of the activities will depend on the team organization, to be defined by the Software Manager)

1, Linux operating system:  The candidate will drive the activity of the partners, by determining the objectives, discussing the technical proposals, following-up the deliveries and ensuring the proper consistency with design and application activities. The candidate will also support our customer in their relationship with the Linux distributions.

2, Compiler and tool chain: The candidate will ensure that the chosen solution fulfills customer requirements, will support customization and optimization when needed, will  benchmark alternative tool chains and recommend their adoption, if a performance increase can be reached.

3, Software application: keeping close contacts with the companies supplying application software in key markets (education, public administration, health, post office etc.), ensuring that they support our platform by porting the key packages;  
promoting the usage of virtualization approaches to port selected Windows based applications (Microsoft Office, etc.)

1, Master's degree of Electronics Engineering or related discipline;
2, 〉3- years related experience;
3, Experience in Device Drivers Software development for Linux Operating System
- Experience in using Cross Development tools
- Knowledge on computer architecture
Would be preferred candidates with knowledge on:
# ARM and/or MIPS microprocessors
# PCI architecture and experience on PCI Linux drivers # USB architecture and experience on USB Linux drivers # 2D/3D graphic subsystem and experience on Linux graphic drivers

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